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The Future Challenges on Researches and Developments of Civil Unmanned Aircraft System in Taiwan


近十餘年來無人駕駛航空器系統(Unmanned Aircraft System, UAS)在世界許多國家發展卓著,然而,相較於一般民用航空器的安全性要求標準,UAS在整體安全與可靠度表現上開始受到關注,這也促成了國際民航組織的重視,就民航使用之UAS應如何具體法制化管理議題展開討論,希冀建立全球一致共通性的民航標準,以為各方遵循。本研究從國際民航發展趨勢切入,論及未來可能之法規變革,再就我國現況與未來衝擊UAS發展等方向進行論述。研究結果顯示,我國因非屬國際民航組織成員,無法直接參與國際民航組織UAS研究小組之議題討論與規範制定,使得我國對於國際民航事務針對UAS發展的方向處於被動知悉並配合之情況。加以國內從事UAS研究發展之產官學研各界,雖在技術層面發展卓著,然因過往非屬民航主管機關管轄,是故與民航主管單位之互動僅止於申請空域等基本層面,對於國際民航事務之趨勢走向資訊涉獵更為薄弱。鑒於國際民航組織正逐步研擬規範將UAS納入民用航空器運作範疇,未來各國民航主管機關均將配合修訂各國之民航法規,並要求各國境內UAS之作業均應配合遵循各國民航法規規定辦理,我國目前產官學研應更加強關注目前國際動態,並配合及早著手因應策略,以為後續法令頒布後之應變。


Over the past ten years, unmanned aircraft has made performance developments in many countries which all can see. Moreover, their significant operating characteristics have benefited many groups and organizations of all kinds. However, in comparison to the safety requirements and standards of ordinary civil aircraft, unmanned aircraft has a slightly weaker overall reliability performance. This fact has led the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to pay closer attention to the issue and has led to conversation on how to establish specific laws and regulations regarding unmanned aircraft, hoping to establish common global standards by which all must comply. This study regards the current development of the Taiwanese unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), the future impact of the development of the Taiwanese UAS and will discuss the proper response strategies and direction regarding the impact of the development of them. Study shows that because those who are not members of the ICAO cannot directly participate in the discussion issues and the formulation of regulations performed by the UAS Study Group of ICAO, Taiwan, in the end, is left in a state of passive awareness regarding international civil aviation. Moreover, even though domestic research performed by all sectors of industry, government and academia regarding UAS has made distinguished technical developments, because Taiwan doesn't belong under the jurisdiction of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, interaction between Taiwan and the administration is limited to applying for airspace and other similar activities, making the both the information and research trends even weaker. In light of the fact that the ICAO has placed unmanned aircraft systems under the category of Civilian aircraft, the CAAs of every nation will amend their own civil aviation law and require that all domestic unmanned aircraft system work must abide by and be carried out in accordance with said law. At this time, the Government and industrial and academic fields of Taiwan should increase the attention they give to the current trend and seek for appropriate adjustments in order to better adapt to the promulgation of new ordinances in the future.


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ICAO, Convention on International Civil aviation, 1944.
ICAO, Convention on International Civil Aviation - Doc 7300, 9th edition, 2006.
ICAO, Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept - Doc 9854, 1st edition, 2005.
ICAO, Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation, ANNEX 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, 10th edition, 2010.
