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The Influence of Postmodernism upon Nursing Curriculum Reform and Coping Strategies for Educators




In a pluralistic and liberal postmodern era, postmodern thinking has begun influencing curriculum reform in Taiwan. Over the last decade, Taiwanese educational reformers have adopted many viewpoints reflecting postmodern theories, such as respect for social diversity, decreasing centralized regulation of education, and respect for academic freedom The purpose of this article is to elucidate how postmodern theories are relevant to education and their influence upon current curriculum reform. This article draws lessons from reforms carried out for grades 1-9, experiences nursing educators may usefully refer to when implementing their own curriculum reforms. Nursing educators should play a central role in developing, designing, evaluating and improving the curriculum. To do so, they must be cognizant of educational trends, understand post-modernism and assimilate aspects relevant to education, collaborate with colleagues on curriculum research, and put reforms into effect at an appropriate pace.


Curriculum theory and practice
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Doll WE(1993).A Post-modern Perspective on Curriculum.New York:Teacher College Press.


陳麗紅(2011)。新進護理人員二年期臨床護理師(護士)四個 階段訓練具備之護理能力探討〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2011.00062
