  • 期刊


Teaching Practices and Student Learning in the Fundamentals of Environmental Planning and Design Studio, National Taiwan University


臺灣的建築基本設計教學於1980-1990 年代歷經改革,從過去強調純粹形式元素的教學範型納入真實環境觀察、體驗、紀錄與創作等教學單元,同時,亦有論者倡議建築設計應連結社會,成為環境改造的公共行動,至今日社會設計、合作式設計等亦再次強調環境設計具有的公共性格,重新界定了專業的價值與技術。然而,基礎設計課程中如何導入溝通與合作等技術以及學習效果之討論尚不多見。本文以臺灣大學「初等環境規劃與設計」課程為例,透過課程教學、訪談、學習心得等過程,分析此課程核心理念從人與環境關係的討論為起點,以圖畫與文字作為媒介,經過同學相互討論理解彼此差異,認知建築非僅視覺經驗的客體,而是作為個體覺察世界、產生記憶與依附情感的實質存在。課程另一教學重點為導入建築計畫、使用後評估等作法,學習利用使用者訪談、基地與活動觀察等方法,以「空間劇本」作為導引設計的源頭,經過團隊之合作溝通,決定劇本角色人物與活動場景的優先順序與相互關連,並接續至拼貼、三度模型、圖繪等階段。亦即,整個課程中從不同團隊之組合與設計任務中,將對話、傾聽、衝突化解、決策等溝通與合作技巧納為學習核心。同學對上述過程的體會為設計有機會在相互溝通的行動中,形成具有可共同意會的「我們的方案」。


The social-oriented discourse and practice of architectural design emerged as a critical issue in design academics during the 1990s. Compared to the conventional ideas of design education that emphasize personal- inspired creativity, social design treats design as public action to change the society and physical environment. In this context, communication and cooperation become indispensable professional skills. However, in the basic architectural design class, these skills still were evaluated to be unadaptable to teach. The aim of this study is to investigate the teaching practices and students' learning experiences in the Fundamental Environment Planning and Design course. Group interview with five students and individual interviews with two students who were enrolled in the course in 2013-2014 were conducted in August 2014. The student's learning reports, portfolios and works were also included as analytical materials. The analysis revealed three categories of results. Firstly, the understanding of self and others' space experiences and values are the critical starting point in the class. Through the discussion of drawings and writing in the people and environment units, students identified elements of the physical environment with embedded memories, emotions, and imagination. Secondly, to bring architectural programming and post occupancy evaluation into teaching programs is another core value in this class. The scenario-guided designs based on an understanding of the characters are developed by using interviews, observational skills through direct interaction with the users. The process of scenario writing is also another teaching focus of the collective consensus making that continues to the collage and model making stages as well as makes possible the dialogue between designers and users. Thirdly, through the arrangement of the different scales of team composition, students experienced the skills of dialogue, listening, conflict resolution, and decision making. These various communicational methods can be only learned from the cooperative working process. Based on the discussion above, this study found that there is possibility to bring "design as making common sense together" into the fundamental design class.




