  • 期刊

葡萄座腔菌屬(Botryosphaeria spp.)在台灣引起之酪梨採收後病害研究

Survey of Botryosphaeria spp., Causal Agents of PostharvestDisease of Avocado, in Taiwan


本研究調查台灣酪梨之主要採收後病害種類,發現以蒂腐病、果斑病及炭疽病為主。由2008-2009年所調查的18個果園共計731顆果實之發病結果顯示,2008年蒂腐病、果斑病及炭疽病之發生率依序為32.9、31.3及46.2%;2009年蒂腐病、果斑病及炭疽病之發生率則依序為19.3、16.3及29.3%。由蒂腐病及果斑病病斑所分離之病原菌,依其培養之分生孢子型態及核糖體內轉錄區間序列(Ribosomal DNA, ITS)分子鑑定後發現Lasiodiplodia theobromae、Neofusicoccum parvum、Neofusicoccum mangiferae及Fusicoccum aesculi等4種葡萄座腔菌屬(Botryosphaeria)真菌為主要之病原菌。上述四種病原以針刺製造傷口接種於酪梨果實時具有病原性,其中又以L. theobromae之病原性最強,亦是造成酪梨蒂腐病之主要病原菌。


The objectives of this study were to survey postharvest diseases of avocado in Taiwan, including stem-end rot, fruit spot and anthracnose, and to determine major pathogens of stem-end rot and fruit spot rot of this crop. During 2008-2009, a total of 731 avocado fruits was collected from 18 orchards in the major avocado production areas of Chiayi, Yujing, Madou, Jiali and Guanshan and used for isolation of fungal pathogens. Results showed that the incidences of stem-end rot, fruit spot, and anthracnose was 32.9, 31.3, and 46.2%, respectively, in 2008 and 19.3, 16.3, and 29.3%, respectively, in 2009. All fungi isolated from fruit samples showing symptoms of stem-end rot and fruit spot rot were identified as Botryosphaeria species, including Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Neofusicoccum parvum, Neofusicoccum mangiferae, and Fusicoccum aesculi, based on morphological characteristics and ITS sequences. Among these four species, L. theobromae was identified as the major pathogen of stem-end rot disease of avocado in Taiwan.


