  • 期刊


Exploratory Space-time Dynamics Analysis of Regional Income in Taiwan, 1999-2008




It has been acknowledged that spatial spillover effects lead to geographically interdependent regions, yet little research on regional income inequality of Taiwan took spatial effects into consideration. By using traditional inequality indexes and exploratory spatial analysis methods, we explored the space-time dynamics of Taiwan township per capita income over the 1999-2008 period. Regional inequality analysis revealed that the North/South, the West/East, the Taipei and Kaohsiung city/others, the plain/mountain, the main-island/offshore-island, and the Taiwan/Fujian income gaps did exist. Among these regional divisions, the inequality between plain- and mountainous-townships was the most pronounced one. Regarding the temporal trends, the overall regional income inequalities first increased, then decreased slightly, and worsened again sharply. Exploratory spatial data analysis showed that regional per capita incomes were positively spatially autocorrelated. Specifically, three metropolitan areas were identified as spatial clusters of affluent townships. On the contrary, spatial clusters of low income were mainly located around rural areas of the South-West, aboriginal townships, Penghu County and the East part of Taiwan. This spatial pattern was highly stable, implying the spatial polarization of regional per capita income was persistent throughout the study period. Finally, Markov chain models highlighted that the probability of interclass transition was very low, and constrained by its spatial context.


行政院主計處 [Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan] 2011。臺灣地區家庭收支調查-縣市資料查詢 [Tai wan di qu jia ting shou zhi diao cha: Xian shi zi liao cha xun]。http://win.dgbas.gov.tw/fies/note.htm (擷取日期:2011.02.23)
