  • 期刊


Transformation of World Dance Into Local Style: Taking "The Beauty of Turkish Belly Dance" Course as an Example




Within the trend of globalization, dance education that exposes learners to various folk dances from different countries has become a window to a deeper understanding of world cultures that expands their global awareness. In the past, studies related to dance education in Taiwan have seldom emphasized the design and teaching of world-classification dancing courses and the connections between dance education in Taiwan and global dancing cultures. This paper focuses on the Turkish belly dance courses in the "world dances" series organized by Cloud Gate Dance Classroom. It collects related literature and incorporates observation of course teaching in an in-depth analysis of the process by which the courses not only introduced elements of world dance but also re-designed the Turkish belly dance instruction to be more suitable for the needs of children above 10 years old in Taiwan. The results of this paper find that in the design of courses, Cloud Gate Dance Classroom adopted elements of the characteristic freewheeling motions of Turkish belly dance and emphasized the development of body dynamics and kinetic energy to foster learners' free creativity. Furthermore, the courses also allow students to better understand the culture and customs of other countries while learning body motions. Hence, this research demonstrates the characteristics that result from combining globalization and localization in line with the goal of diversifying dance teaching.


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雲門舞集舞蹈教室(無日期)。生活律動─ 10 足歲以上 11-13 期。資料引自http://www.cgds.com.tw/10-1[Cloud Gate Dance Class. (n.d.). Life pulse: 11-13 periods above 10 years old. Retrieved from http://www.cgds.com.tw/10-1]
劉孝宏(2010)。全球化與在地化的身體實踐:以臺灣踢踏舞舞者為例之分析。國立東華大學族群關係與文化研究所=National Dong Hwa University。
