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Integrated Management of Diseases and Insect Pests for Organic Cultivation of Peanut, Arachis hypogaea



本研究在嘉義實施春、秋作落花生 (Arachis hypogaea L.) 有機栽培,以台南11 號及台南14 號品種作為試驗植材。試驗區劃分整合管理區、慣行農法區及對照區。在兩期作的整合管理區以黃色黏紙誘得主要害蟲成蟲高峰期及其密度,分別為粉蝨科5 月中旬及12 月中旬,達54,870 與4,497 隻/30 片;葉蟬科5 月中旬及12 月中旬,達6,870與25,113 隻/30 片;薊馬科5 月底及11 月中旬,達3,480 及36,036 隻/30 片。在兩期作之整合管理區以兩種夜蛾中改式性費洛蒙誘蟲器,計誘得斜紋夜蛾 (Spodoptera litura)成蟲2,906 及5,720 隻/2 支及甜菜夜蛾 (S. exigua) 成蟲732 及24 隻/2 支。在兩期作三試驗區落花生兩品種播種後3 週,發現苗期少數植株感染冠腐病 (Aspergillus niger),而葉片感染銹病 (Puccinia arachidis) 和葉斑病 (Mycosphaerella arachidicola and M.erkeleyii) 則發生於播種後1.5 個月至收穫期,其中以銹病發生較嚴重;至於收穫期莢果易感染黑斑病 (Fusarium solani; Pythium myriotylum; Rhizoctonia solani; Sclerotiumsolani),即春作台南11 號及台南14 號品種於整合管理區與對照區,其罹病度分別高達60.33 - 93.93% 與78.13 - 79.63%。在此期間柯氏食菌瓢蟲 (Illeis koebelei) 幼、成蟲會在落花生葉片上取食真菌菌絲,具有降低田間病原真菌的潛力。在兩期作之整合管理區以黃色黏紙誘得捕食及寄生性天敵成蟲高峰期及其密度,分別為瓢蟲 (Coccinellidae) 5月下旬及12 月下旬,達1,200 隻及236 隻/30 片;小繭蜂科 (Braconidae) 4 月底及12 月下旬,達134 及257 隻/30 片;姬蜂科 (Ichneumonidae) 5 月中旬,達64 隻/30 片;而寄生蠅科 (Tachinidae)則以10 月底,達85 隻/30 片。在兩期作落花生收穫期下,單株莢果重、籽粒數及莢果數,結果顯示春作整合管理區台南14 號品種高於台南11 號品種,且達顯著水準;而秋作亦以整合管理區台南14號品種產量較佳。


落花生 整合管理 有機栽培 病害 害蟲


Two varieties of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) TN11 and TN14 were planted in Chiayi with organic cultivation in this study, and experimental field was divided into integrated management, conventional and control plots. We used yellow sticky papers and pheromone-baited traps to survey the adult densities and peak periods of insect pests and natural enemies for spring and autumn crops. By using yellow sticky papers in the integrated management plot in spring and autumn, the results showed that the peak period of Aleyrodidae insect pests were 54,870 and 4,497/30 plates in mid-May and mid-Dec. The numbers of Cicadellidae insect pests were 6,870 and 25,113/30 plates in mid- May and mid-Dec., and these two periods were the peak of this pest family. The numbers of Thripidae insect pests peaked in late May and mid-Nov. with 3,480 and 36,036/30 plates, respectively. By using pheromone-baited traps in the integrated management plot in both spring and autumn, the results showed that the numbers of Spodoptera litura and S. exigua adults were 2,906 and 5,720/2 traps in spring, and 732 and 24/2 traps in autumn. We found that the three weeks after sowing, Aspergillus crown rot (Aspergillus niger) infected a small numbers of plants of both varieties during seedling. While rust (Puccinia arachidis) and brown leaf spot (Mycosphaerella arachidicola and M. berkeleyii) commonly infected leaves from 1.5 month after sowing to harvesting, between which rust (P. arachidis) was more serious. The infecting rates of peanut pod rot disease for the two varieties of peanut pods were 60.33 - 93.93% in integrated management plot and 78.13 - 79.63%, in the control plots during spring harvesting period. However, we also found that the mycophagous ladybird (Illeis koebelei) larvae and adults on peanut leaves fed on fungi mycelia in the same period, suggesting the potential of natural enemies. As for the natural enemies, by using yellow sticky papers in the integrated management plot, we found that the numbers of Coccinellid predators were 1,200 and 236/30 plates in late May and late Dec. The numbers of Braconid parasitoids were 134 and 257/30 plates in late April and late Dec. The numbers of Ichneumonid parasites was 64/30 plates in mid- May and the number of Tachinid parasitoids was 85/30 plates in late October. TN14 had significantly higher pods weight(g) /plant, seeds weight(g)/plant and the number of pods/plant than TN11; and in autumn crops, the TN14 variety in the integrated management plot had the best grain yield.
