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Validation of the Chinese version of the situational interest scale


緒論:本研究旨在中文化Chen, Drast,與Pangrazi(1999)發展之情境興趣量表(Situational Interest Scale, SIS),並檢驗其中文化後的信度與效度。方法:研究分為三個階段,階段一為英文版量表的中文翻譯,並以275位7-9年級國中學生為對象(男生152名、女生123名;平均年齡14.43±0.78歲),進行測量工具的驗證性因素分析;階段二以204位國小高年級學生為對象(男生113名、女生91名;,平均年齡11.48±0.50歲),與階段一國中學生的資料進行多群組分析(multiple group analysis)驗證測量工具在不同群組間的效度,並以27位8年級國中生(男14人、女13人,平均年齡13.15±0.36歲)以及57位國小高年級生(男生31人、女生26人;平均年齡11.39±0.56歲)進行再測信度分析;階段三以43位國小高年級學童(男23人、女20人;平均年齡10.35±0.32歲)驗證情境興趣各構面與情境興趣、技能的關係。結果:研究結果發現情境興趣量表(C-SIS)包含新奇、挑戰、專注需求、持續享受、探究意圖5個構面,加上整體情境興趣,共21題,各構面的測量模式與觀察資料有適當的適配度。本測量工具也具有跨群組不變性,適用於國小高年級學生,且各構面在兩周前後的再測信度分析,顯示具中高度的相關。最後,情境興趣各構面,除了挑戰之外,新奇、專注需求、持續享受、探究意圖與整體興趣有高度正相關,僅有探究意圖與技能呈正相關。結論:情境興趣量表經過中文化之後,具有不錯的信度和效度,未來研究可進一步運用情境興趣量表了解不同學習階段、學習內容、教學策略、分組形式等要素對學習者情境興趣的影響,幫助體育教師與研究者,提升學生的內在動機,以提升學習參與。


學習動機 興趣 臺灣學生


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to translate the Chinese version of the Situational Interest Scale (SIS, Chen, Drast & Pangrazi, 1999) and examine its reliability and validity. Method: Three stages were conducted in this study. At the first stage, the original SIS was translated into Chinese and administered to 275 7^(th) and 9^(th) grade of junior high school students (152 boys, 123 girls, 14.43 ± 0.78 years old) in order to perform a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). At the second stage, we sampled 204 5^(th) and 6^(th) grade of elementary school students (113boys, 91 girls, 11.48 ± 0.50 years old) to complete SIS and examine its cross-group invariance. Further, we recruited 27 8^(th) grade of junior high school students (14 boys, 13girls, 13.15 ± 0.36 years old) and 57 5^(th) and 6^(th) grade of elementary school students (31 boys, 26 girls, 11.39 ± 0.56 years old) for test-retest reliability analysis. At the third stage, we recruited 43 5^(th) and 6^(th) grade of elementary school students (23 boys, 20 girls, 10.35 ± 0.32 years old) to examine the relation between the Situational Interest and motor skill performance in physical education class. Results: It is indicated that the 21-item C-SIS comprised of five subscales including Novelty, Challenge, Attention Demand, Instant Enjoyment and Exploration Intention, and showed a good fit to the data observed. Further, the C-SIS demonstrated satisfactory cross-group invariance by using a sample of elementary school students, and all sources have high test-retest reliability. All dimensions, except for Challenges, were positively related to Total Interest. And only Exploration Intention and Skill had low and positive relationship in school physical education setting. Conclusion: The Chinese version of the SIS showed adequate psychometric properties and can be used to explore how students' situational interest influences physical activities. Also, PE teachers and researchers can use C-SIS to design learning tasks that appeal to student. Future studies are suggested to use the C-SIS to explore different learning phases, learning tasks, teaching strategies, groupings toward to learning achievement on students.


learning motivation interest Taiwan students


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