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The Study of the Tourist Service Quality of Taiping Suspension Bridge


本研究之目的主要在探討太平雲梯風景區體驗旅程之遊客、感受觀光旅程後對於太平雲梯當地所提供各項設施與服務之期待與表現之落差情形及影響因素分析,以了解遊客對各項服務品質是否需要再做進一步的改善、以遊客的角度來看,對於服務品質期待及表現看法與服務品質間的變數關係及影響。由發放問卷280份回收有效問卷250份。資料分析採用敘述性統計及重要度-表現分析法。(Importance-Performance Analysis,簡稱IPA)本研究結果發現「太平雲梯當地民宿、飯店乾淨、整潔、舒適」、「太平雲梯當地民宿、飯店住宿價格合理」、「太平雲梯公共廁所的數量足夠」、「太平雲梯停車空間足夠」、「太平雲梯接駁交通工具便利」是待改善的,以供國內的觀光相關產業參考。


服務品質 太平雲梯 IPA


In this thesis, we examine whether the visitors are satisfy with the facility and service provided by the Alishan National Scenic Area for the Taiping suspension bridge and investigate the factors that affect the satisfaction of the visitors. By conducting the investigation, we can have the results to improve the facility or the service quality and understand what factors might affect visitor's expectation. The study objective is the visitor's volume of Taiping Suspension Bridge. A total of 280 questionnaires were collected and valid questionnaires 250 copies. The data analysis method used is narrative statistics and the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). We conclude that"Comfort and cleanness of the hotel or the homestay"、"Reasonable price of the hotel or the homestay"、"Quantity of public toilet"、"Quantity of parking lot" and "Convenience of Shuttle bus "are the items which have to be improved. The results of this thesis can be provided to tourism industry for reference.


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莊鎧溫、方臺生(2014) 旅遊意象、服務品質、體驗價值與滿意度之研究以阿里山風景—區為例,南華大學旅遊管理學系碩士論文。(14–69)。


