  • 期刊


Study of the Health and Living Conditions of the People Aged 70 and Above in Taipei City


設籍於台北市70歲以上老人,由地段公共衛生護士,以挨戶訪視方式,按調查之健康管理卡內容逐項調查,並測量老人的血壓、測試尿蛋白及尿糖,並了解70歲以上高齡老人的健康和生活狀況,作為照顧旁人健康之重要依據。 完成建卡訪視共22857人,其中70-74歲佔31.5%,75-79歲佔39.4%,80-84歲佔19%,85-89歲佔7.3%,90歲以上2.7%,女性越高年齡之比率比男性為多。男性之配偶健在率比女性的高。老人和家族,夫婦一起生活者佔83.9%。老人之生活費66.5%由別人供給。生活情趣以看電視、散步為多。疾病方面以高血壓,老年性退化為多。參加健康檢查只有49.2%,檢查地點以公立或綜合醫院或衛生所為多。高血壓之發生率為17.3%,邊際高血壓為27.4%,尿糖陽性佔6.4%,尿蛋白陽性佔8.6%。 由本調查發現女性較長壽,喪偶之比率高,因此提高男性之平均餘命,使夫婦能白頭偕老,或使鳏寡皆能與其家人生活在一起,共享天倫之樂則是我們希望能做到的,旁人的日常消遣以靜態的看電為最多,然而老人之養生之道應該兼顧動態,活動身體的休閒活動要多舉辦。 建卡工作從訪為中了解老人的健康情形,發現其健康需要應鼓勵老人及早參加健康檢查,依老人的死因調查以心臟病、腦血管疾病為主,所以對於老人的健康應重視前述之疾病以及其誘導的疾病。 綜上結果:近年來,由於公共衛生的進步,台北市70歲以上之旁人亦有日漸增多之趨勢,因此,及早了解旁人之健康情形與需要,給予其更妥善之照顧與服務,遂成為我們今次應努力之方向。




In order to understand the health status and living condition of the elderly above 70 years in Taipei City, a survey was carried out by public health nurses. Through home visits, the items on the ”health control card” were completed, blood pressure, urine protein and sugar tests were also recorded. In 27,857 visits, 31.5% of the elderly were 70-74 years of age, 39.4% were 75-79 years of age, 19% were 80-84 years of age, 7.3% were 85-89 years of age, and 2.7% were above 90. The proportion of females increased as the age increased. There were more widows than widowers. 83.9% of the elderly were living with their family or spouses. 66.5% of the aged were financially dependent. Watching TV and taking walks were the most often and interesting activities they participated in. The most common health problems were hypertension and aging degeneration, only 49.2% had regular physical check-ups, most at general city hospitals or health stations. The incidence of hypertension was 17.3% and 27.4% had marginal hypertension. Positive reactions of urine sugar and urine protein were 6.4% and 8.6% respectively. The survey showed that females have a longer life expectancy than males. The way to increase the life expectancy of males and to decrease the number of widows, and to have widows and widowers live with their families and enjoy a happy family life is where we should make efforts. In the mean time, encouraging and holding more outdoor activities for the elderly will be our main goal. The survey revealed that heart diseases and cerebrovascular diseases are the main causes of death in elderly people. In order to prevent these diseases and their induced diseases, routine physical check-ups for the elderly should be encouraged. Due to the improvement of public health, aged people above 70 years in Taipei are increasing. To understand the needs and the health status of the elderly and offer appropriate care and services has become one of the most important subjects in public health.




