  • 期刊


A Study on Students' Knowledge, Attitude and Preventive Health Behavior Toward Type B Hepatitis in a Junior College


本研究係以某醫專學生為調查對象,以過去4年間(一年級至四年級)B型肝炎檢查結果,分為三組(易感染者,已有B型肝炎抗體者及B型肝炎帶原者),三者有相同比例之年級及性別,再經結構式問卷調查,實得有效問卷第一組100位同學,第二組73位同學,第三組168仁同學,比較三組組別間對B型肝炎認知,態度及所採取之預防性使康行為有何差異及探討影響採取預防性健康行為之相關因素,並瞭解在學四年間學生罹患B型肝炎之盛行率(prevalence rate of type B hepatitis)及四年間累積B型肝炎帶原者之發生率(cumulative incidence rate of type B hepatitis)。 研究結果顯示:該醫專同學B型肝炎知識來源主要是課本及教師,在認知上以護理科最高,牙技科最低,可能和修習B型肝炎課程有關。不同組別在B型肝炎預防性使庫行為上亦有所差異,其中,以第一組易感者對B型肝炎認知較差,故宜建議針對尚未感染者施以正確之教育,以切斷其可能感染之機會。B型肝炎帶原者竟有72.%認為不需追蹤檢查,顯示這些同學漠視B型肝炎對人體之危害性。在B型肝炎檢查中,四年間累積發生率為1.3%。因此,建議有關衛生主管單位與學校共同研擬B型肝炎防治計劃,除每年應做B型肝炎檢查外,應對易感染者加強其衛生教育及預防性使康行為,以達到有效切斷可能感染來源及維護個人使康之目的。




The results showed that (1) the students' knowledge about type B hepatitis 8medical personnel; (2) for the knowledge of type B hepatitis, the department of nursing was the best, while the department of dentistry was the poorest and that was due to courses they took in school; (3) the factors which affected their attitude toward type B hepatitis were knowledge about type B hepatitis and sex and course; the more knowledge, the better attitude and health behaviors and female students more than male students; (4) the prevalence rates of type B hepatitis the first graders and the fourth graders were 15.8% and 13.9%, respectively, and cumulative incidence rate was 1.3% during a period of 4 years. Suggestions of how prevent type B hepatitis among junior college students were provided in the text. The objective of this study was to investigate the knowledge, attitude and preventive health behaviors toward type B hepatitis and to measure the prevalence rate and cumulative incidence rate during a period of 4 years among college students. According to previous data, 100 students were enrolled as susceptible groups, while carrier (n=168), students found with antibody of type B hepatitis in the fourth year (n=73) were chosen as two infective groups. All students were interviewed with a constructed questionnaire of which content validity and reliability were tested before the interview.


type B hepatitis Knowledge attitude health behavior


