  • 期刊


Relationship between Relative Deprivation and Health: Verification of Mediated Effects from Negative Health Behaviors


目標:利用Baron和Kenny(1986)的中介效果概念,直接驗證吸菸、飲酒兩項負面健康行為,是否為相對剝奪感和健康的中介變項?方法:利用國家衛生研究院與國民健康署於2009年所進行的國民健康訪問調查(National Health Interview Survey, NHIS)之全國性抽樣資料,並控制個人年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、慢性疾病、籍貫及居住地區等變數,並將男、女性分開作分析,先分析吸菸、飲酒是否為中介變項?進而檢視其為完全中介?抑或部分中介?結果:迴歸結果顯示,男性部分,抽菸、喝酒大致存在中介效果;女性部分,抽菸幾無中介效果,但飲酒則和男性一樣,大致存在完全中介效果。結論:若政府意識到所得分配不均所造成的剝奪感,會藉由菸、酒消費以抒發心理不滿情緒,那政府除了提供更完善醫療資源以增進國人健康外,亦應重視收入不均對健康造成的衝擊,尤其當避免貧富差距更趨嚴重。


Objectives: This study applied the concept of mediated effects, as developed by Baron and Kenny (1986), to determine whether or not negative health behaviors, including smoking and drinking, are mediated factors in the relationship between relative deprivation and health status. Methods: This study used the 2009 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) obtained from the National Health Research Institutes and Bureau of Health promotion. After controlling for socio-demographic characteristics, we determined if complete or partial mediated effects exist. Results: For males, smoking and drinking are mediated factors between relative deprivation and health status. For females, smoking is not a mediated factor; however, drinking is a mediated factor between relative deprivation and health status. Conclusions: If the government is aware of relative deprivation as a result of an unequal distribution of income, which leads to poor health, the government should not only provide better medical resources to improve an individual's health, but also pay attention to income inequality.


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