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Factors Associated with Occupational Burnout among Nursing Staff in the Urban and Rural Hospitals




The aim of the study was to compare the relationship of job characteristics and occupational burnout of nurses between urban and rural hospitals. This was a cross-sectional study using the self-administered questionnaire on a convenience sample. Data collection was conducted on January 2015 in two regional hospitals in southern Taiwan. We surveyed 472 nurses who worked in shifts for 6 months or more. We enrolled 272 (58%) participants from the urban and 200 (42%) from the rural hospital. In the urban hospital, the associated factors were working hours per week, sleep hours, smoking status, work demand, job insecurity, and supervisor support, accounted for 42% variance of burnout. In the rural hospital, the associated factors were work demand, job insecurity, and workplace justice, accounted for 43% variance of burnout. According to the results, we recommend nursing administration to develop a variety of strategies to reduce work burnout in different hospitals. Future research will focus on the longitudinal design to monitor the change of nurses’ occupational burden across time.


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