  • 學位論文


The Need Assessment of “Film and Literature Database” in Junior High School Chinese Teaching

指導教授 : 林維真


本研究旨在探索圖書館製作推廣之電子資源「電影與文學資料庫」,落實於國中國文教學應用之需求,透過收集國中國文教師對電影融入教學的策略與經驗,以及對於電影與文學資料庫的實際使用與評估,了解國中國文教師對電影與文學資料庫之看法。具體研究目的包括瞭解國中國文教師電影融入教學的過程、障礙與需求,以及瞭解國中國文教師由教學角度對於電影與文學資料庫的評估,並探索國中國文教師對於電影與文學資料庫,在資訊項目與推廣服務上的期待。 本研究採半結構式深度訪談法,共招募20位來自北中南各地區的國中國文教師,所有訪談對象皆具備電影融入教學之經驗。透過訪談問題與使用性評估量表來瞭解國中國文教師電影融入教學之經驗,以及蒐集受訪者對電影與文學資料庫之使用經驗和對電影與文學資料庫之看法,並設計受訪者基本資料調查表以蒐集及分析受訪者之基本資料。 研究結果顯示,國中國文教師雖然普遍擁有電影融入教學經驗,但運用頻率落差極大,受訪者中屬於一學期使用三次以上的積極使用者共有10位,但也有2位是一學期使用不到一次的低度使用者,運用頻率除了受到教師本身興趣與能力的影響,也會受到外部資源與支援的影響,本研究發現電影與文學資料庫能提供適當的輔助,藉由電影與文學資源的統整,以及對電影內容主題的分類組織,幫助低度使用者克服使用障礙,而成為積極使用者。受訪者平時蒐集電影教學資源的來源管道可分為社群資源和網路資源兩種,研究結果發現資訊來源管道愈多者愈有可能成為積極使用者,而其中社群資源中的人際關係社會網絡,和網路資源中的一般性網路資源屬前二大重要的資訊來源管道,顯示人際關係的社群資源在教學交流與成長是十分重要的。 針對電影與文學資料庫的評估結果則發現,20位具有電影融入國文教學經驗的國中教師均未使用過電影與文學資料庫,可能原因除了對圖書館電子資源、以及對教學性網路資源與一般網路資源的認知不足外,缺乏明確的影片主題索引與內容難度也是受訪者反應的重要原因。本研究設計實際使用資料庫之查詢任務,讓受訪者執行時,受訪者肯定資料庫將電影與文本並列的特色,此資訊能提供教學者參考,並且也認為資料庫介面在呈現上簡潔清楚。研究者也觀察到全數受訪者皆成功完成查詢任務,顯示基本檢索介面操作流程順暢,可見使用者主要障礙為對內容組織與架構的理解。此外受訪者認為電影與文學資料庫中有用的資訊項目包括內容簡介、作品資訊之中的版本資訊、電影資訊之中的級別和片長資訊、評論,以及館藏資訊,並倚賴延伸查詢、超連結與簡易關鍵字查詢來探索上述重要內容資訊。受訪者進一步表示希望能增加一般性資訊需求、教學需求、評論,以及分類的相關資訊,以及社群、個人管理、取得方式等功能,增進系統的可使用性。 基於研究結果,本研究分別針對圖書館與教師提出建議。首先,圖書館應依據教學者需求對資料庫介面與功能進行設計,提供評論的全文、社群互動的功能,以及主題的分類瀏覽,以利使用者運用。而在教師方面,圖書館應進一步將資料庫推廣週知、教導教師使用,以及為教師設計配合教學課程的教材,以提高教學者使用意願。


The present study aims to explore the application requirements of Film and Literature Database in the field of junior high Chinese teaching, and the perspectives of junior high Chinese teachers on Film and Literature Database. In this regard, three research questions are addressed, including (1) the process of integrating film into Chinese coursers for junior high Chinese teachers, and the difficulties and needs encountered during the process, (2) the information items in demand by junior high Chinese teachers in the Film and Literature Database, (3) the expectation for information items and promotion on the development of Library Film and Literature Database for junior high Chinese teachers. This qualitative study targets twenty in-service Chinese teachers in Taiwan by means of semi-structured interviews and documents. All interviewees possess the experience of integrating film into Chinese teaching. The teaching experiences of integrating film into Chinese course, using experiences and expectations on exercising Film and Literature Database are gauged and collected through the interviews and usability evaluation scale. The results reveal that it is common for junior high Chinese teachers to integrate film into Chinese courses but with a great significant difference in using frequency. Among the twenty interviewees, ten teachers are of active users who adopt the teaching method three times a semester and two teachers adopt the method less than twice a semester in their practice. This study believes that Film and Literature Database is eligible to turn the teachers with lower using frequency into active users. Film and teachers are the two main variables, which affect teachers’ motivation to integrate film into Chinese courses. The domain of film contains the characteristics and the themes of film. The other domain concerns teachers’ interest in watching film. Teachers’ who have higher interest are inclined to integrate film into Chinese course more actively. Generally, active users adopt this method either during the semester or in the school summer/winter camps. The sources of film collected by the interviewees derived from both community resource and website resource. Community resource comprises schools, business sectors, and social networks. Website resource is composed of general resource and school teaching resource. The more recourses Chinese teachers have, the more likely to become active users. Interestingly, the social network of community recourse and the general resource of website resource are the top two important sources of information. The findings show that social network of community is crucial to the interaction between teachers and teacher’s personal growth. On the other hand, the disparity of recognition on general website resource and teaching website resource suggests the deficiency of teaching website resource. As to the selection of film, five indexes are proposed - movie rating, themes, entertainment, level of students’ proficiency, and accessibility. Regarding the recognition item of Film and Literature Database, only two teachers are aware of the presence among the twenty interviewees but none of them had ever taken the advantage of it. All of the interviewees successfully complete the self-made query task designed by the author. Considering the query modes, nineteen teachers utilize Keyword Search whereas only one takes Work Browsing. Term query divided into two types– one is of the Title Name and the other is of the Personal Name. There are totally thirteen teachers belong to partly Title Name term query users. On the item of browse, the first chosen item is reviews that attract seven teachers to skim over. The most popular item among the interviewees is movie and then comes reviews. According to the result of usability evaluation on Film and Literature Database, summary, version, rating, length, reviews, and location viewed as useful information item by the interviewees. Extended Search, Hyperlink, and Keyword Search are considered helpful, too. The interviewees also give credits to the parallel web texts and succinct layout of database interface. The author still administers the needs assessment of interviewees on Film and Literature Database. On the item of recognition difficulty caused by database, three factors are identified – reviews, system functions, and database orientation. General information requirements, teaching requirements, reviews, and categories explain the needs of information item. Last, the item of system needs involve web 2.0 community engagement, personal management, the manner of film retrieve, and the design of system. Based on the findings, this study offers some suggestions respectively to library and teachers. First, library should adjust to the instructors’ needs for the interface and functions of database provide full text with remarks, function of community interaction, and theme-based browse by category to enable users to make use of. With respect to teachers, Library should increase the rate of use, provide teachers the necessary guidelines, and design the suitable course materials for teachers in order to boost Chinese teacher’s motivation of integrating film into Chinese courses.


陳碧月(2013)。通識人文課程:文學電影裡的生命教育。人文與社會學報 3(2)。1-22
