  • 學位論文


The Effects of The Reasons of A Price Increase,Product Characters,and Market Situations on Price Fairness Perceptions.

指導教授 : 張重昭


消費者對產品或服務的「價格」接受程度,會影響其購買意願。而價格的公平性知覺,更是消費者對價格反應上有重大影響的一個心理因素(e.g. Etzioni 1988;Kahneman)。特別是在漲價的時候,消費者會格外的在意價格公平性,而不願意去支付一個他們認為不公平的價格。 在影響消費者漲價行為公平性知覺的眾多因素中,可分為廠商本身的因素(如告知漲價理由、揭露成本資訊等)和外在影響因素(如訂價環境、市場狀況、產品性質等)。而本研究主要在探討不同的漲價理由,由功能品或歡樂品的廠商提供時,在不同的市場狀況下,此漲價行為對消費者公平性知覺的影響。 本研究以印表機和遊樂園為目標產品,採4x2x2的實驗設計方式,所探討的自變數為漲價理由,可分為兩大類共四種,包括非廠商可以控制的漲價理由(因為政府要求成本增加而漲價)與廠商可以控制的漲價理由(為了提高品質而漲價、因為人事成本費用增加而漲價、因為捐助與產品有關的公益慈善事業而漲價)。干擾變數則有市場狀況(分為供不應求與非供不應求)與產品性質(功能品與歡樂品)。 本研究經由實証結果得到下列結論: 一、提供漲價理由後,消費者知覺漲價行為較提供漲價理由前公平。 二、不同的漲價理由會影響漲價行為公平性知覺。而非廠商可以控制的漲價理由,較廠商可以控制的漲價理由,消費者知覺漲價行為較公平。 三、產品為功能品,市場狀況為非供不應求時,廠商宣稱因為政府法規要求而成本增加的漲價理由和為了提高品質的漲價理由,消費者知覺此漲價行為是較公平的。而廠商宣稱是因人事費用成本增加而漲價的理由和捐助與產品有關的公益慈善事業的理由,消費者則知覺漲價行為較不公平。 四、產品為功能品,市場狀況為供不應求時,廠商所提供的四種漲價理由,消費者都覺得漲價行為同等公平(無差異)。 五、產品為歡樂品,市場狀況不會影響消費者對漲價行為公平性的知覺,但漲價理由對消費者知覺漲價行為公平性仍有影響。而廠商提供為了提高品質的漲價理由、因為政府法規要求而成本增加的漲價理由及捐助與產品有關的公益慈善事業的理由,消費者都會知覺漲價行為是較公平的。


The price acceptability of products and service would influence consumers’ purchase intentions. Perceived price fairness has been identified as one psychological factor that exerts an important influence on consumers’ reactions to price. Research suggests that consumers sometimes are concerned with the fairness of a price, particularly of a price increase, and that they dislike and are often unwilling to pay a price that is perceived as unfair (e.g. Etzioni 1988;Kahneman). Many factors can influence consumers’ perceptions of price fairness. Some are internal factors, such as the reasons of the price increase, or disclosure of cost information etc., and others are external ones, such as market situations or product characteristics. The primary purpose of this research is to examine the effects of reasons of a price increase on perceptions of price fairness for utilitarian and hedonic products under different market situations. The target products are printer and amusement park and one 4x2x2 experiment is employed in this research. The four reasons of a price increase that are focused on are one uncontrollably(complying with governmental regulations)and three controllably(improving the quality of the product、increasing personnel cost and donations to charity). Two market situations are studied:excess demand and non excess demand. Two product characteristics are studied:utilitarian and hedonic products. The major findings are as follows: 1.Telling consumers the reasons of a price increase will be perceived as fairer than increasing price by telling them nothing. 2.Various reasons of the price increase will influence consumers’ perceptions of price fairness. Price increases driven by factors that are perceived to be outside the seller’s volitional control will be perceived as fairer than those driven by factors perceived to be within a seller’s volitional control. 3.When consumers buy utilitarian products under non excess demand situation , the reasons of a price increase are improving the quality of the product and complying with governmental regulations will reinforce consumers’ perceptions of price fairness. 4.When consumers buy utilitarian products under excess demand situation, four reasons of a price increase will have the same effects as reinforcing consumers’ perceptions of price fairness. 5.When consumers buy hedonic products, market situations does not influence consumers’ perceptions of price fairness;however, the reasons of a price increase does. The reasons of a price increase are improving the quality of the product、complying with governmental regulations and donations to charity will reinforce consumers’ perceptions of price fairness.


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