  • 學位論文


Study on Advantaged Development Strategy for Thermal Plasma Melting Technology in Taiwan

指導教授 : 江炯聰


電漿焚化熔融處理廢棄物技術係利用電漿火炬所產生的高溫電漿,將可燃性及不可燃性廢棄物於同一處理步驟中焚化減容和熔融固化,獲得高品質的熔岩固化體,達到減容、無害化、安定化及資源化等多重目的。電漿焚化熔融技術應用於有害廢棄物及放射性廢棄物之處理,在國內的發展已歷十年,技術發展已臻成熟;同時,國內環保市場對新技術需求相當殷切。 基於技術需求與市場狀況,本研究將就高溫電漿熔融技術面與技術應用環境的需求面客觀地深入探討,其目的包括: (一)剖析國內對高溫電漿熔融技術發展與應用的優、劣勢 (二)探討國內高溫電漿熔融產業化之機會與競爭力 (三)國內高溫電漿熔融技術發展之優勢策略分析 (四)前瞻未來發展方向與重點及相關建議 高溫電漿熔融技術產業化策略形成前,透過競爭五力分析及SWOT分析的過程,充分而完整地認識目前國內電漿熔融技術發展所處的環境,應該著手致力於厚植優勢、彌補劣勢,掌握機會,並降低威脅,以使最適策略的選擇與規劃更為落實。在檢視外部環境與內部資源後,利用SWOT分析進行策略配對,以把握內部優勢克服本身弱勢,利用外部環境機會避開威脅,找出發展電漿熔融技術產業的最佳策略。 綜合本研究針對國內自行研發的電漿熔融技術的優勢分析與經濟分析,從技術面與環境面言,應已具備了成功關鍵因素,宜掌握契機加速電漿技術應用發展︰ 1. 國內具備自行設計開發電漿火炬的能力,已掌握電漿熔融之核心技術。由電漿火炬自行設計建造能力的建立,加上電漿熔融實廠的操作與工程驗證經驗,更同時儲備了維修、運轉能力及人力資源,是實質提昇競爭力的一環。 2. 政府政策支援,除電漿處理示範廠的建立外,更為擴大高溫電漿的推廣與應用範圍及規劃永續發展電漿產業,亦有高功率電漿火炬測試中心、高溫電漿程序發展中心、電漿熔岩資源化發展中心的建立,已為電漿產業建構出發展平台。 3. 高溫電漿熔融處理技術已然形成市場趨勢,焚化灰渣以及放射性廢棄物更需安全妥善處理,本土化高溫電漿處理技術符合「資源化處理」之策略原則,更可以彌補過去環保技術仰賴進口、無法得到技術支援的缺憾。 4. 國內市場已有經濟規模,應該提供給國內發展自主性產業的機會,而不再重蹈焚化爐覆轍。 在發展電漿熔融技術產業化之策略方面,應順應市場環境的需求,妥善處理廢棄物,使資源有效再生、循環使用,進而建立產業共生之生態體系。推動電漿熔融技術產業化的策略方向如下︰ 1. 籌組電漿技術推廣公司,爭取政府採取「先行優勢」策略,由政府自建焚化灰渣電漿熔融示範廠,開創國內利基市場。 2. 在已奠定之基礎上,以電漿熔融核心技術為中心,結合民間製造與工程能力,透過獎勵輔導技術轉型,有效水平分工與垂直整合,以融合產業價值鏈替代破壞原有價值鏈,化解既存利益的對抗,開創產業化市場。 3. 開拓資源化產品再利用技術與市場,加速建立熔岩再利用之CNS產品規範,擴大資源回收應用範圍。藉由品質及驗證等標準的訂定,使資源化產品符合綠色環保品質,順利進入公共工程和民間消費市場。 4. 擴展高溫電漿熔融技術之延伸應用,發展電漿處理廢棄物轉化能源技術領域。


Thermal plasma melting technology is an innovative technology, which takes the advantages to incinerate the organic parts of wastes for detoxification and volume reduction, and to vitrify the non-organic counter parts simultaneously into durable and valuable slag. Radioactive and hazardous wastes have to be converted into stable and non-hazardous forms with maximum volume reduction for safe and economic disposal or recycling. The thermal plasma technology to radioactive and hazardous wastes have been explored and developed for decade in Taiwan. Owing to the technique becoming sophisticated and the needs of environment market, the thermal plasma is sought as a desirable solution for waste treatment without secondary pollution. Based on the situation of technique and market, application of the thermal plasma melting technology was explored objectively and deeply via the views of technology and environment demands. 1. To analyze the strengths and the weaknesses for developing and applying thermal plasma technology in Taiwan. 2. To examine the opportunity and the competitiveness of thermal plasma technology industrialized domestically. 3. To analyze the development strategy for thermal plasma melting technology in Taiwan. 4. To highlight the development outlooks for the future and to propose some suggestive plans. By means of Five Forces Analysis and SWOT Analysis, we contrast the competitive environment and better understand the industry context before forming the industrialization strategy of thermal plasma melting technology. Being instrumental in strategy formulation and selection, an enterprise has to make efforts to be a better understanding of how to leverage the strengths to take advantage of perceived opportunities or to respond to threats and how to compensate for known weaknesses. A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning process. For seeking the perfect strategy of developing thermal plasma industrialization, the SWOT analysis provides information that is helpful in matching resources and capabilities to the competitive environment. According to advantage analysis and economics analysis in this study, the thermal plasma melting technology developed at home possesses all of key success factors to speed up development and application. 1. Plasma torch, core technique of plasma melting technology, leads to the development of thermal plasma industry. Possessing the engineering experience and the capability of design, operation, maintenance, and training, the technique owner increases his competitiveness ability substantially. 2. Besides the plasma vitrification demo-plant, high-power plasma torch testing center, thermal plasma process development center and vitreous slag recycling development center are also established by government support. The plasma industry development platform has been set to enhance the vision and strategy of sustainable development. 3. Incineration ash and radioactive waste have to be treated safely and efficiently. From the view of market trend thermal plasma melting technology is a proper technique and coincides with the principle of national recycling strategy. 4. The domestic market with economic scale is formed and beneficial to plasma technology development. The government ought to offer the opportunity to aid and develop domestic sustainable industry. Don’t repeat mistakes of the past, which the foreign companies dominated the whole incinerator market. To consider the industrialization of thermal plasma technology, the strategy has to satisfy with and conform to the needs of market and environment. The strategy orients toward proper treatment, efficient operation, resource recycling, and co-existing ecological environment system. The strategies are as follows: 1. To organize a plasma technology promotion company activating policy of “First-mover Advantage” is one of strategies to develop domestic niche. The first plasma melting demo-plant of incineration ash ought to be built by government. 2. To join capabilities of manufacture and engineering construction with the core technology of thermal plasma, through technology enhancement and transformation with government patronage policy, the existing firms corporate horizontally and integrate vertically to build up new value chains instead of destroying original value chains. It will definitely help revive industry transformation and reach to another development peak due to the presence of thermal plasma technology. 3. To exploit the technique and market of recycling products, to speed up establishing the CNS norms for reusable slag, and to enlarge the scope of recycling application. By enacting standards of quality and verification, make the recycling product meet green quality and be utilized in the public engineering construction and civil consumer market. 4. To promote the extensive application of thermal plasma melting technology and to innovate the plasma technique to convert waste into energy.


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