  • 學位論文


The Relationship of Landscape Structures and Avian Assemblages in Urban Green Spaces: A Case Study of the Green Spaces in Taipei City

指導教授 : 林峰田




Urban green spaces are composed of parks, green sites, schools, national parks and nature preserves, which are those landscape elements capable of wildlife habitats, and some researches have indicated that landscape structure potentially influences the distribution of species and the characteristics of assemblages. Therefore, this study was based on statistical relationship analysis to investigate the result that landscape structures influences avian assemblages. The conclusions of this study could be applied as some principles of planning and designing urban green spaces in the future. Twenty-one green sites in Taipei city were selected to be the study areas, and birds to be an indicator species. The characteristics of landscape structure (i.e. the area, the naturalness and the connectivity) and the characteristics of avian assemblages (i.e. the density of species population, the density of avian assemblage, the richness, the Shannon diversity, the evenness and the dominance) in each above green site were investigated and recorded. Then, the relationship between landscape structures and avian assemblages was examined with the statistical correlation analysis, and the literature review educes some probable explanations. Study results were summarized as follows: 1.Each characteristic of landscape structure has different effects on birds of all species and their assemblage. 2. The naturalness of green sites has the most significant correlation to increasing the species diversity of birds. 3. The connectivity among green sites has significant correlation to decentralizing the population of high density and as well as to avoiding the occurrence of dominant species. For these reasons, the planning and designing work of green spaces in the future is suggested to focus on the interior of green site, and to enhance the naturalness to increase the species diversity of birds. Furthermore, adding some little “stepping stone” green sites to increase the connectivity among green sites will mitigate the phenomanon of dominant species of birds.


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呂亞融(2014)。都市河濱地區的陸域鳥種豐富度: 探討面積、隔離度、生產力、異質性及干擾假說〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.03170
