  • 學位論文


A study of contemporary peaceful experience

指導教授 : 劉可強


本研究從研究者的人際網路出發,探問生活、工作在台北市的人們,他們平靜的經驗。 因為關於平靜的定義多樣紛陳,因此研究開始對於平靜的狀態是給出一較為寬廣的範圍,並以多個架構於生活經驗的小故事,作為請研究參與者分享經驗時溝通何為「平靜」的媒介。這些經驗資料在參考於Merleau-ponty的「身體圖式」架構下被歸納陳述,進而被分析其中的支持因素。 研究歸納出五種身體圖式:「出走」、「釋放」、「包裹」、「融合」、「按著自己的步伐前行」和一種難以用身體圖式作為歸納的狀態:「與自己對話」。這五種身體圖式和一種狀態也互為彼此的支持因素,且這些支持因素推至最基本都與核心概念為私密和溫暖的「包裹」身體圖式有關,因此「包裹」可視為是支持平靜狀態中的基本身體圖式。「融合」的身體圖式則是一綜合性的身體姿態,當研究參與者在「融合」的身體圖式中,彷彿同時與「出走」、「釋放」和「包裹」的身體圖式共存,因此當人們處於「融合」的身體圖式時是一種相當深刻的平靜狀態。 從Heidegger的觀點談,「包裹」的身體圖式之所以為平靜狀態的基礎支持條件,是因為當人們處於「包裹」的身體圖式中時,是暫時打斷了「人人」的支配;「與自己對話」的狀態則接近「良知」的呼喚,在良知的呼喚下,人們才能真正的對自己給出關懷並瞭解自己存有的可能性。「融合」的身體圖式也可從中國歷史上的詩文畫作中做出追尋,而那樣的浩瀚是老子所謂的與「道」同融也是Heidegger所謂「詩意的棲居」。 在以金錢作為公分母的現代,追求平靜不僅與消費綑綁更有速度之要求,然而在暫時的打斷「人人」之際,倘若人們並未對自己給出關懷,這樣的方式只是一種逃避。唯有當人們對自己給出關懷並找到屬於自己獨特的「行走」方式,才能處於比較穩定而長期的平靜狀態;而那樣的平靜,不再需要藉由逃避才能追尋。


The research from the researcher’s interpersonal relationship investigates peaceful experiences of people who work or live in Taipei. Because the definitions of “peace” are multiform , so in the beginning the research gives the definition broad range. At the same time, for communicating “peace” the research is through several short-stories frames on life. These deta of peaceful experiences induced by “body schema” refers to Merleau-Ponty and analyzed further. The research induces five body schemas: “leave”, “release”, “muffled up”, “blend with”, “at my pace”and one condition which isn’t induced by “body schemas”: “dialogue with myself ”.These five schemas and one condition also can be seen as elements which support each other. The basis of these supporting elements is“muffled up”. “muffled up”is the primary body schema of peaceful condition. “ blend with” is the synthetic body schema .When research participants are in “blend with” condition ,they seem to be in“leave”, “release”, “ muffled up”at the same time. For this reason when people being in “blend with ”, they are in the deeply peaceful condition. From the view point of Heidegger, when people in “muffled up” they just like cut control of “the they”. That is the reason way “muffled up”is the primary body schema of peaceful condition . By the point of Heidegger, “dialogue with myself ” is just like the call of “conscience” .Under the call of conscience , people can give concern for themselves and realize the possibility of existence. “blend with” can be searched from poems , articles, paintings in Chinese culture. That vast spirit with “blend with” is blend with “dao” from Lao-tzu and dwell poetically from Heidegger. In present day , every thing use money to be common denominator. Seeking peace ties up with consumption and have the need of effectiveness. However, if people cut the control of “the they” but they don’t give concern internally for themselves, they just evade. When people give concern internally for themselves and find the way of existence belonging to themselves , they can stay in long-term peaceful condition and don’t need through evading.


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