  • 學位論文


A Study of Public-Private Partnerships On Social Welfare for the Under Privileged─ Comparative Analysis Between Shanghai Yang-Pu District and Taipei Da-An District

指導教授 : 曹俊漢


本研究係以市民社會之概念為基,來探究兩岸城市地區-上海市楊浦區與臺北市大安區如何運用公私協力來做好社會福利。上海市與臺北市都是邁向國際的城市,都有旺盛的企圖心,要把城市治理做得完善,不僅要照顧好城市民眾的生活,也要讓民眾以城市為榮,因此藉由兩岸城市地區對弱勢族群照顧之研究,探究雙方在此一面向上如何運作,又有何優勢與缺失,並從中給予建議,以提供社會政策制定與執行之新方向。 本研究發現,不論是上海市楊浦區或臺北市大安區在對弱勢族群之照顧基本上是以行政治理單位為主要執行,公部門強而有力,市民社會雖已有運作,但皆不如歐美國家般產生較大的執行力與影響力,此外兩地區市民社會雖有差異,只是運作成效上的多寡與參與程度而已。在研究中,我們仍給予兩地區市民社會推動的肯定,儘管市民社會雖在兩地區發展仍未至成熟階段,但市民們高度的參與與發揚人性精神的努力,都是未來推動成熟市民社會的重要?皏菕I


This study aims to investigate how to utilize both public-private partnerships to improve social benefits and social responsibilities based on the concept of civil society. Two represent- ative districts from Taiwan and China were chosen for comparison – Taipei Da-An District and Shanghai Yang-Pu District. Taipei and Shanghai are very similar cities in a way that both are fast-developing and globalizing cities. In order to provide a more comprehensive social benefit plan for all the residents in the city, not only do the residents need to be well taken care of, it is also important to make the residents proud of their own city. Hence, the objective of this study is to investigate how these two cities take care of their under-privileged minority groups and their strategies to improve the general well-being of each individual. The advan- tages and disadvantages of the tactics employed by each city were also studied and compare. The aim is to provide some guidelines and suggestions to develop new directions for social welfare planning and implementation. The current study discovered that both Taipei Da-An District and Shanghai Yang-Pu Dis- trict largely rely on governmental units to administer caring for minority groups. Even though citizen society has been established, the contributions and influence of these groups is trivial compared to European countries or United States of America. The differences in Taipei Da-An District and Shanghai Yang-Pu District only lies in the effectiveness of strategies employed and participation of city’s civilians. In the present investigation, despite that both civil society are yet to be matured, the efforts from both cities and its residents are still recog- nized and acknowledged. With the citizens’ prompt participation and sharing of this ideology of caring for under-privileged groups, both cities possess vast potential to become an idealized city in the near future.




Wang, T. H. (2007). 憲政主義全球化之趨勢與建構—以人權、地方治理及國計民生為例 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.10484
