  • 學位論文


A Multiple-Touch Medical Information System with Simulated 3D Human Body and RFID

指導教授 : 賴飛羆


由於醫療保健知識的進步,人類社會逐漸邁向高齡化社會的趨勢,面臨全球醫療成本不斷的成長,如何利用最新科技來協助醫療人員做出正確且快速的判斷,是今日的資訊專業人員所需正視的課題。 在過去由於行動裝置的科技發展受限於處理能力、裝置體積、功率消耗、通訊能力…等因素,醫療從業人員並未接受行動裝置所帶來的機動性與便利性,反而對於其實用性都會給予較差的評價,但由於近年來資訊科技發展迅速,處理能力已大幅提升,功耗等也獲得相當大的改善,另外最為使用者所詬病的體積重量問題,也已縮小減輕到人們所能接受的程度,加上無線網路存取點 (WiFi Access Point)在醫院的建置普及,藍芽在低功率醫療應用上的服務支援漸增, RFID用於解決病患管理上的延伸能力,結合多項科技並思考如何應用於改善現有醫療資訊系統,均是值得探討與深入研究的議題。 本論文考量商業價值,實做了一套醫療資訊系統並使用多種主流技術,以RFID結合Multi-Touch新型態個人電腦及RFID結合Smartphone、PDA等傳輸介面 (WLAN、Bluetooth)整合出能改善醫療品質及提升醫護人員效率的系統,其中PDA結合RFID被利用來作為醫護人員與病人間管控的橋樑,Smartphone則利用其WLAN作為影像資訊傳輸使用,而Multi-Touch新型態個人電腦則作為系統的核心,包含資料同步傳輸,管理病人資訊及病理資訊,並在顯示器上給予先進更直覺的3D醫療指示,使得病人不需具備專業的醫療知識也能清楚的知道自身的健康狀況,以期能改善醫病關係。


Due to the improvement in the medical information, human society is moving towards the aging population society. The global medical cost is growing continuously. How to use the newest techniques to assist the medical personnel to make a right decision is a major topic now computer information personnel must face. Over the past days, development of mobile devices were limited by the factors of performance of the processors, size of the device, power consumption and communication capability, so that the medical personnel refused to accept the mobile devices which in turn gave a bad overall impression of the practicability instead. Because of the rapid development of the computer information technology in the recent years, the performance of the processors and the power consumption have a substantial improvement such that majority of people can accept it. With the popularization of the wireless access point, to integrate many techniques and consideration of applying it to improve the current medical information system are all the topics which should be discussed and researched deeply. This thesis considers the business value of integrating a medical information system with current mainstream techniques. Using the new style computer with multi-touch and RFID support as well as the smartphone/PDA with the wireless interface of WLAN and Bluetooth to construct a medical system that can improve the healthcare quality and the performance of the heathcare professional. Among these techniques, the PDA with RFID was used for the communication between the healthcare professional and patient where the smartphone’s WLAN feature can be used to transfer the image and video. The new style computer with multi-touch support is the core of this system. It includes the data transport and the management of patient’s healthcare records shown on the display for giving more advanced intuition 3D medical instruction. It can help the patients to easily understand their health status without a requirement of professional medical knowledge and also help to improve the relationship between healthcare professional and the patients.


RFID Multi-touch PDA Bluetooth Smartphone WLAN


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