  • 學位論文


Media Role of Local and International Disaster Reporting: A Case Study of Sichuan Earthquake in China

指導教授 : 張錦華


本研究旨於釐清中國與美國媒體在四川地震的實質報導內容,並探討在地與國際新聞災難報導各階段的媒體功能。研究樣本選取中國官方的《人民日報》、趨向市場化的《華西都市報》,與美國具權威的《紐約時報》,總樣本合計504則。採內容分析與新聞文本深入分析,藉以釐清在地與國際新聞災難報導的差異、媒體居中擔負的功能,分析中、美媒體體制對其媒體報導的影響,以及比較中、美媒體和其過去災難報導的差異。   根據分析結果,三報對於四川地震的報導模式、主題與媒體功能,都展現截然不同的特質。整體而言,中國人民日報並未盡到在地新聞災難報導的功能,報導僅服膺黨的利益,彰顯「黨的喉舌」的媒體功能。華西都市報一方面關注政府作為,另方面也報導不少災民的聲音。但整體而言,報導仍偏向稱讚政府表現、隱憂揚善,在地新聞災難報導的功能仍顯不足。而紐約時報則盡力扮演國際新聞報導的角色,提供大眾實質資訊、關懷災民,且著重批判中國政府與官方媒體表現。但其報導仍存在偏重悲劇性、缺乏科學知識背景等缺失。   研究發現,和中國過去的災難報導相比,中國媒體在四川地震前期的表現,有了些許的轉變。媒體大量地報導災情,也稍微提出對政府的質疑。雖然後期又回到過去完全正面的報導,屈從於政治力的管束,但由中國傳媒在地震前期的轉變來看,四川地震可視為中國媒體蛻變的一小步。可惜的是,後續報導仍和過去的報導模式大同小異,和美國媒體的報導相比,媒體災難報導之功能仍相當匱乏,中國傳媒在正確告知、深入報導與監督政府等表現,仍有待大幅改進。   本研究結果有助分析現階段在地與國際災難新聞再現的特性,釐清中、美在災難報導階段各自擔負的媒體功能,與其實際的報導情況。藉由討論災難報導應然面與實然面的差距,省視現階段媒體災難報導的不足,有助於提升媒體實務災難報導的品質。


On May 12, 2008, Sichuan earthquake struck China. After the powerful quake, people around the world had different comments on the Chinese coverage of the disaster. Some people claimed that Chinese journalists made a progress on reporting the Sichuan earthquake, praising the “changes” the media made at the beginning. However, Chinese media came under fire as they went back to their old route afterward, reporting nothing but how wonderful the relief efforts were, largely ignoring the negative events. Then, did Chinese media really make an improvement on their disaster reporting? What are the differences between the coverage of Chinese media and those of other countries? What functions did local and international news media serve when they reported disaster events? The research attempts to figure out these questions by examining the news coverage on the Sichuan earthquake from three newspapers: People’s Daily, Western China Metropolis Daily, and New York Times. A total of 504 news articles were analyzed with content analysis and textual analysis. According to the results of analysis, Chinese media still have room for improvements on disaster reporting. The research found that news coverage is related to the media systems and political structures of a country. People’s Daily, a state-run Chinese news media, served “the organ of the communists”. Western China Metropolis Daily, which isn’t a state-run news agency, couldn’t avoid to be controlled by the ruling party, though it did a better job than People’s Daily by trying to inform the public. As for the New York Times, which offered most information among the three, did its best to inform, supervise, and push the international relief rescue. However, the scientific information of the quake was deficient in the New York Times. In sum, People’s Daily and Western China Metropolis Daily were good at promoting the perfect images of the Chinese government. However, as a local media, they didn’t uphold people’s right to know. Although there is room for improvement, the New York Times played a successful role of international media on reporting the Sichuan quake. This study can help improve the level of disaster news, reminding the media to acknowledge its role in disaster reporting.


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