  • 學位論文


Examining the News Content of Cross-Strait Dialogues from a Perspective of Deliberative and Diverse Reporting: A Case Study of the First Four Chiang-Chen Talks

指導教授 : 張錦華


摘 要 江陳會談是近年來兩岸關係的轉折,重新啟動雙方正式的官方協商管道,同時商談攸關台灣人民福祉的重要議題,受到國際與社會各界的關注。針對兩岸協商的議題,新聞媒體必須擔負社會公器的職責,如實呈現有關江陳會協議各種面向的意見,不僅只是多元化的觀點,更應該重視多元言論的品質。 本研究先回顧兩岸談判中媒體表現的相關文獻,並釐清媒體作為公共領域當有的理想角色為何,選取適當的立論點:媒體作為公共領域的概念從多元化觀點到審議式的新聞報導,實為一脈相承,是為檢視前四次江陳會談新聞內容的指標。 是故,本研究欲先了解《聯合報》、《中國時報》、《自由時報》、《蘋果日報》四報在意見的數量上有無多元化,使用內容分析與H統計值進行量化分析,以求描繪前四次江陳會談新聞內容的約略輪廓。研究發現四報都在文本主題的多元化程度上,四報尚算理想,但從消息來源層面來看,四報呈現有所差異與不足,有待改進。 研究的第二部分則進一步檢視四報的言論品質,從前四次江陳會談中的經濟合作議題中挑選兩個次事件進行文本敘事分析:MOU金融監理備忘錄簽定與兩岸租稅協議破局事件。深入解析發現,量的多元並不等同質的多元,面對意義重大的江陳會談,四報審議式新聞內涵的呈現均不完善,各有不同缺失,無法呈現多元面向的深度脈絡與言論品質,有待新聞實務界省思檢討。


Abstract Chiang-Chen talks have been a turning point of cross-strait relations in recent years. The talks re-open an official negotiation channel between Taiwan and China, discuss critical issues concerning the interests of Taiwanese people, and catch national and international attention. The media should take responsibility as a public instrument in dealing with the issues of cross-strait negotiations, faithfully present various opinions on Chiang-Chen talks, and put emphasis on both diverse reporting and the quality of diverse opinions. The study begins with a literature review on the media performance in cross-strait negotiations and clarifies what an ideal role the media should play in the public sphere to choose an appropriate thesis point: from diverse reporting to deliberative reporting, the concept which the media act as a public sphere actually comes down in one continuous line and becomes an indicator to examine the news content of the first four Chiang-Chen talks. Therefore, first of all, the study hopes to examine the quantity of diverse opinions in The United Daily News, The China Times, The Liberty Times, and Apple Daily. The research applies content analysis and H-statistic for quantitative analysis and aims at outlining the news content of the first four Chiang-Chen Talks. The study discovers the four newspapers show a diversity of subjects. However, the four newspapers have different yet inadequate news sources. The deficiency remains to be improved. The second part of the study further examines the quality of opinions in the four newspapers and picks two sub-events from the issues of economic cooperation in the first four Chiang-Chen talks , the signing of MOU and the halting of the cross-strait tax agreement, for narrative analysis. After a deep examination, the study discovers the diversity of quantity is not equal to the one of quality. In dealing with significant Chiang-Chen talks, the four newspapers do not perfectly present the content of deliberative reporting. Each has its deficiency and fails to present a multi-dimensional context and the quality of diverse opinions. The result of the study requires the journalism to reflect on.




