  • 學位論文


A study on the Garden of Hope Foundation, ECPAT Taiwan and Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation -- their roles and functions in assisting sexually exploited women

指導教授 : 洪鎌德


自從非營利組織參與公共政策的制定與執行增多之後,許多民間機構跨越了過去把直接服務作為運作焦點的範疇,進而致力於相關政策議題的改革倡導,從體制內外給予壓力要求政府釋出政策層面的回應,並試圖透過各種參與行動,影響公共政策的發展。在推動立法化成功後,由於議題的掌控和資源分配掌握到政府手中,爲了繼續服務及發掘社會議題,民間機構開始承接政府方案,同時繼續監督執行的角色。因此,非營利組織的運作型態不再侷限於直接服務的提供,更積極參與和介入公共政策的過程,促使其角色型態日趨多元。尤其從社會趨勢來看,社會福利性質的非營利組織以提供直接服務為主,扮演政府部門的補充、替代與協力的角色之外,也兼負提升民眾參與公共事務、議題倡導以及政策監督等多元的行動者的角色,顯現出社福性非營利組織的多元角色型態。 先行研究往往將非營利組織參與公共政策的研究觀察設定在政策制定與合法化的過程,或是非營利組織參與議題中的角色形態與功能,忽略公共政策乃是一種連續性的循環過程,而且非營利組織在特定議題的運作並不會因為政策合法化後便轉移對該議題的關切。有鑑於非營利組織在推動政策合法化後的持續性參與的相關論述相對缺乏,本文在前人研究的基礎上,以三個非營利組織作為研究對象,以訪談與次級資料分析,試圖探究組織在發展過程中,持續參與該政策議題的動機目的、參與途徑和扮演的角色型態,並觀察參與行動所造成的政府與非營利組織之間的相互影響結果為何。


As Taiwan’s Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) have taken an increasingly active role in formulating and executing public policies, more and more social welfare groups have expanded their works from direct service-providing to policy advocacy and reforms. Those groups demand responses from the government by exerting pressure from both inside and outside of governmental entities and seek to further influence the development of policies through various activities and actions. Once a specific social issue the civil groups advocate is made into laws, the government becomes responsible for implementing the policies that involve administering budgets and providing services required by the laws. As a result, the advocacy groups have to become governments’ contracted partners to carry out welfare programs and projects commissioned by the governments if they wish to continue providing services and discovering new social needs and problems through first-hand experiences with those in need. Meanwhile, the groups also seek to exert influences on the public policies they help to legalize. Therefore, the role of NPOs is no longer limited to service provider. As social welfare groups become more active in the process of policy-making, their roles become more diverse. Researches and experiences show that while the key function of NPOs is to provide services and serve as a complement or supplement to the governments in terms of their functions of service-providing, those groups also take on multiple responsibilities of advocating issues, influencing public policies and monitoring the government’s executions. Previous studies mostly focus on the aspect of legalization and the roles and functions of NPOs in the legislative process, but often ignore the fact that rather than a linear course, policy-making process is a continual cycle of agenda-setting, action and review and that NPOs are unlikely to withdraw their interests in particular issues after legalization. In view of the relative lack of studies on NPO’s continuous involvement in shaping the public policies they help to legalize, this study aims to focus on three NPOs -- Garden of Hope Foundation, ECPAT Taiwan and Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation – and use interviews and second-hand data and information to analyze the motives and purposes of the three groups in their continual involvement with policy-making, the roles, functions and methods they adopt and the results of the interactions between the NPOs and the government.


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