  • 學位論文


Crossing the Boundaries of Opposition-A Research on Operate-Transfer System of Cultural Space in Taipei - A Case Study of Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre

指導教授 : 劉可強


1996年台北小劇場聯盟爭取中正二分局(牯嶺街小劇場)做為小劇場展演的空間至今已十年,本研究試圖彙整十年間文化場館的委外經驗,探究委外經營政策上的矛盾,並提出文化政策上的相關建議。 研究內容分為三大部分,一為釐清閒置空間轉為藝文使用之歷史脈絡,二為檢視現有文化場館委外經營至今所面臨的問題,並從中找到新的公私合作方式,三為釐清牯嶺街小劇場所肩負的歷史意義以及其與社區之關係,說明小劇場如何利用自身專業與社區建構一個日常生活溝通的場域,重塑居民對於牯嶺街小劇場的認知。 研究發現牯嶺街小劇場之所以為小劇場發源地,除了政治上的順水推舟外,更重要的是老舊建築先天的物理性質與地理位置決定其空間適合做為劇場使用,且三任經營者對於小劇場的發展不約而同有相同的見解,牯嶺街小劇場扮演了家的角色,提供劇場工作者一個可以停留駐足的地方。從過去牯嶺街小劇場委外經營的十年經驗得知,財務問題一直是委外經營最大的爭議點,本研究建議文化場館之建物修繕與活動補助應分開,讓各自有足夠的預算去執行,本研究認為文化場館申請之活動補助應用於藝文推廣與社區活動,另一方面引入容積移轉概念,籌措場館修繕之經費,促成公部門、企業/開發商與經營者三方合作關係。牯嶺街小劇場委外經營至今,逐步發展出一套可行之文化場館經營模式,若將之套用於台北市其他委外場館,容易讓文化場館出現去脈絡化現象,本研究認為文化場館的委外經營都有強化在地關聯的必要性。


The aim of this thesis is to examine the application of the OT system on Taipei’s cultural space. Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre is the first case Guling Street police station transfer avant-garde theatre of managed by arts independent groups and has been a theatre for ten years. This thesis analyzes the experience in order to explain current cultural policy problems on the OT system and give some suggestions. A combination of the particular space of properties of the old police station and specific political factors provided the opportunity to change the usage of the old building to a theatre. On the past years three managers of the theatre have all had similar positive reactions of the use and potentials of the building. The building is a considered as a good place for avant-garde theatre productions. Under the current OT system, the arts groups don’t receive operating fund form the city. This is a serious problem of lacking funds. The study suggests the possibility of using TDR to increase fund to be used for building maintenance. That would create opportunities for government, builders, and arts groups to improve the OT system. The other problem is an inherent between avant-garde art and public services. The study suggests that art groups should be invited neighborhood residents to come to Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre. Neighborhood residents could create a community theatre, when they can direct a play together. It would be they own story. The study concludes that in order to sustain a cultural space used OT system. It’s important to create a working relationship between the arts groups and the community.


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