  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Library and Information Science Research Method Courses in Taiwan: From Instructors' Perspective

指導教授 : 林珊如


過去文獻指出,研究方法課程之教學有助於學域研究質與量之成長,及實務工作品質與效率之提升。然而,關於研究方法課程教師如何將其心中對研究方法課程教學之籌劃,實踐於教學現場,使得學生具備應有的研究方法知能之研究不多。故此,本研究之目的,在於檢視研究方法課程教學之現況,以及教師進行教學設計時的考量,作為日後教師進行教學設計之依據,或是圖書資訊學研究方法課程發展之參考。 本研究設計以國內七所圖書資訊學相關研究所研究方法課程之授課課程大綱,以及現任和曾任授課教師為主要的研究對象。本研究先針對九份課程大綱進行內容的分析,比較異同,取得教師所設計的教學內容、教學法與教學策略、教學評量與教學資源之認識;另一方面,對曾任或現任研究方法課程之七位授課教師,使用半結構式深度訪談法,瞭解授課教師設計教學內容、教學法與教學策略、教學評量與教學資源時的用意,並分析其影響因素。 研究結果發現,從研究方法課程教師之教學歷程,獲得影響教師進行教學設計的因素、教師進行教學設計時所考量的因素、教師教學時所面臨的困難,與教學實踐四個範疇。影響教師進行教學設計的因素係指教師對研究方法課程教學的理解、預備與決策,與教師教學上所遭遇的困難,兩者將會影響教師對教學的規劃。教師教學上所遭遇的困難,則是教學實踐的結果之一,而教師教學實踐經驗將會反饋至教師對研究方法課程教學之理解、預備與決策,此為一個循環反覆的教學歷程。再者,教師進行教學之規劃時,所考量的因素包含:教學內容、教學法與教學策略、教學評量(作業),與教學資源。據此,本研究歸納出「教學內容架構」,共有九個教學單元,與「教學內容施行模式」,包含一般模式、方法優先模式與潛規則模式;以「教師導向─課堂講授」或以「學生導向─書報討論」為主的教學法,以及「師生研討與觀摩」和「學生學習經歷記錄」之教學策略;教學評量則以「期末報告─研究計劃書」為總結性評量,將完成總結性評量所需之學習,再規劃成小型作業之形成性評量;教學資源則有語文模式和互補模式兩種類型。 根據研究發現與研究結果,圖書資訊學研究方法相關教學資源取得不易,以及學生先備知識不足等情況提出三項建議:圖書資訊學相關系所的研究方法課程教師,可共製或共享教學資源;連結相關課程教師共同規劃研究方法知能之學習地圖;施行前導課程,加強學生基礎領域知識的認識與資訊素養能力。最後,本研究提出以「以行動研究深入探究教師教學歷程」、「以學生觀點瞭解教師設計的教學內容與教學方式對學生學習之影響」,與「參考本研究結果發展研究方法課程通用架構」之後續研究建議。本研究之實徵資料亦可作為日後進行比較研究之基礎。


From previous studies, research method courses can improve the quality and quantity of research studies in Library and information science. Meanwhile, it can also escalate the efficacy and efficiency in practice. However there were few research studies done in terms of assisting teachers to formulate methods to better improve the research techniques of graduate students. Therefore the purposes of this study are to investigate the teaching of Library and information science research method courses nowadays and to explore the factors that influence teachers in designing the teaching plan. Furthermore, the outcome will form the basis of imporving the instructional design or reference for developing the curriculum framework. In this study, the data collection was conducted in two-stages. Firstly, there were the analysis of nine syllabi composed of the current and former teachers of library and information science research method courses. The purpose of this stage was to explore the factors that would be considered by teachers while planning their teaching. Secondly, seven current and former teachers of Library and Information Science research method courses were interviewed in depth. It is followed by the evaluation of the ideas behind the teaching plans each teacher had developed. This will provide a better understanding of each teacher’s perspective and expectation in the planning process. The results revealed that the teaching process showed four categories, which are “the factors that influenced the teachers’ perception and the expectation about the teaching plan”; “the difficulties during the teaching preparation and implement”; “the teaching practice” and “the factors which are related to the purposes of teaching plan and to the structure of teaching plan”. The four categories of teaching process will influence one another. In the mean time, teachers will gain the precious experience from the teaching preparation and implement, and the process will further improve the teaching plan design based upon actual students’ needs. According to the results, when teachers design the teaching plan, it involves five factors, which are “teaching content”, “teaching methods”, “teaching strategies”, “assessment” and “teaching resources”, will be considered as well. Firstly, the framework of the teaching content consists of nine teaching units. There are three kinds of teaching content implement model: “Normal Model”, “Method-First Model” and “Hidden Rule Model”. Secondly, there are two different kinds of teaching methods approach. One is “Teacher-Oriented Approach” and the other is “Student-Oriented Approach”. “Teacher-Oriented Approach” means that teachers prefer to teach by lecture, and teachers will have enough time to reinforce the learning process by hand on experience. “Student-Oriented Approach” means that teachers spend most of the time giving feedback for students’ presentation. In addition, teachers are using two kinds of teaching strategies. One is that teachers promote students’ discussion and improve critical thinking through well placed questions. The other is asking students to keep track of learning journal. Thirdly, a final report proposal is chosen as a summative assessment. A periodic summary report will serve as a informative assessment in the form of “research topic and research problems” and “literature review. Finally, according to students’ reading skills and comprehensive ability to understand the literatures wrote by foreign language, there are two kinds of considerations when teachers choose teaching resources. One is named “Foreign Language First Model” and the other is called “Complementary Model”. Based on the result, the study provides three suggestions to address the issues of lack of resources provided regarding the Library and Information Science educational materials and the graduate students’ lack of research know how. One is that teachers in different schools of department of Library and Information Science research method courses should share or work together to design teaching resources, so that teachers can concentrate on teaching. Another is that teachers who are responsible for research method related courses in the same department, such as “thesis writing course” or “qualitative research method course”, can work together to develop student’s learning research method map or curriculum map. The last one is setting requirements for students to attend the summer course before the new semester comes. This course is aimed at improving the understanding of basic knowledge about Library and Information science research history and characteristics and to have general information literacy. In conclusion, the study also proposes three areas for further study. One is using action research to explore the teaching process more deeply. Another is trying to understand how students’ reaction and learning effect about teachers’ preparation and implement of teaching. The last one is using the finding of this study to develop a framework of Library and Information Science research method course. The empirical data of this study will serve as the basis for future comparative studies.


