  • 學位論文


An Anti-communist Narration of Chinese Civilization: China News Analysis of Jesuits

指導教授 : 石之瑜


《中國新聞分析》為50年代以降持續追蹤中國新聞的反共英語刊物之一,本文透過檔案、文獻分析法,及統計與訪談資料,介紹《中國新聞分析》沿革與兩代編輯團隊的學思背景,並考察其研究方法、研究內容與分析角度,進而反思其對中國研究之意義。 在第一代主編勞達一神父主持下,刊物自香港起家,結合傳教目的的漢學知識和世俗政府的敵情需求,備受國際重視;第二代「維信」編輯團隊接手後,因香港回歸而搬遷至台灣,企以學術研究重新定位,卻趨於式微。礙於政治現實,研究者無法親自進入中國進行調查,《中國新聞分析》編輯團隊根據曾在中國求學、工作等生活經驗,發展出「新聞分析法」,本文統計四十餘年間此刊所記敘的時事主題,尤關注派系鬥爭和涉外事務。 基於耶穌會素來對中華文明的研究關懷,此刊大抵依循反共的權力平衡思維與體會中華文明迥異性等兩種視角分析中國涉外事務,除堅信共產中國(Communist China)無法經由與西方接觸、交往(engagement)而改變其意識形態上的終極目標外;亦試圖自1949年以前的歷史角度理解當代中國對外行為的特殊性,反思中共統治對中華文明、中國人價值觀與生活方式的影響。 《中國新聞分析》對中國研究意義有三:首先,此刊為中國觀察研究時代代表刊物之一;第二,據耶穌會主編的研究經驗,中國研究者應掌握中文、熟習歷史,並生活於中文語境中,以解釋歷史遺緒與當代中國的關係;最後,自刊物停刊後,此種以幾近經學考據方法,琢磨當代論述的遣詞用字差異,探究現代議題的研究幾乎付之闕如。


ABSTRACT AN ANTI-COMMUNIST NARRATION OF CHINESE CIVILIZATION: CHINA NEWS ANALYSIS OF JESUITS by KAI-TI LIN June2013 ADVISOR: CHIH-YU SHIH, Ph.D. DEPAERMENT: POLITICAL SICNECE MAJOR: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS DEGREE: MASTER OF ARTS KEY WORDS: China News Analysis, Jesuits, Anti-communist, China watching, Chinese Civilization China News Analysis (CNA), which consistently reported on China since 1950s and was one of the truly essential English anti-communist Newsletters, is the subject of this paper, relying on archives, literature and interviews. This paper traces the rise and fall of CNA by reviewing the background of its chief editors with the analysis of their research method, purpose and perspectives, and finally reflects the value and importance of CNA to China Studies. Under the leadership of the first editor in chief Father Laszlo Ladany, the establishment of CNA in Hong Kong was combined with missionary purpose and secular China watching as worldwide consulting report. Due to the return of Hong Kong to China, the second editorship crew Wei-Xin moved to Taiwan in order to orientate CNA itself to an academic journal. Impeded by political circumstances, researchers could not do fieldwork in China; therefore the CNA crew developed ‘News Analysis’ approach according to their personal experience in China. Statistics releases that their studies focus on political faction and foreign affairs besides current events. Based on Jesuits’ attention to Chinese Civilization, CNA essentially examined Chinese foreign affairs from two perspectives. Given that the US has tried to contact, and further adopt its engagement policy to the Communist China after 1970s, the first perspective of CNA argues that the China would not forget to achieve its goal of ideological weltanschauug. To comprehend peculiarities of Chinese Civilization, the second perspective is to stand in the historical timeline before 1949 to analyze the distinction of China’s contemporary behavior to the west, and to ponder over how the Communist regime had influenced Chinese values and their way of life. On the whole, CNA signifies one of the representative publications of China Watching in intellectual history. According to the distinct spirit of Jesuits editorship, China researchers shall speak in Chinese, study ancient history and live in Chinese-speaking environment, thus Chinese studies could be improved by reconnecting the relationship between historical lagacies and contemporary China. China Studies field has been almost lacking for textual approach to modern discourse and for comparison between different choices of diction since CNA began to decline.


