  • 學位論文


Differential Pricing Scheme for Taxi in Taipei City

指導教授 : 張學孔


計程車具有及門、私密、便利等特性,因而計程車在都市公共運輸中扮演重 要的角色。然而,由於客觀環境和政策演進,臺灣目前計程車司機,面臨了長工 時、低收入的窘境,在政策議題上備受關注,而除了超額供給、牌照管制、衛星 派遣、與服務型態等議題,是否施行差別費率亦是政府及產業關心的課題。一般 認為計程車單一費率的制度,除了無法反映各型不同車種營運成本不同,更加劇 計程車司機們為降低其營運成本,而不願意投資在車輛定期保養、維修或是車輛 的汰舊換新,直接影響服務品質與行車安全。 本研究之目的係基於差別取價之理論,將各式計程車依成本與服務不同,而 訂定不同費率,並透過問卷調查與選擇行為分析,評估臺北地區實施計程車差別 費率的可行性,研究中並透過個體運具選擇模式,評估影響旅客選擇不同費率計 程車的重要因素。此外,研究中亦探討模範計程車在臺北地區實施之可行性。研 究結果顯示,由於經濟情況及品牌計程車接受度高,臺北地區現階段不適合對於 現有計程車實施差別取價政策,而一般民眾願意付出比現行費率更高價格搭乘模 範計程車,此顯示具高品質規格之模範計程車具有實施的空間。


Taxi, with the characteristic of door-to-door, private and convenient, plays an important role in urban public transportation system. Due to macrocosm environment and policy evolution, Taiwan’s taxi industry is now facing the problems of over-working and low income, which is a major issue of policy discussion. Besides the policies of excess supply, license plate restriction, satellite dispatch and service type, differential pricing is also a strategy which both the government agency and taxi industry concerned. It’s generally known that same pricing fare of all taxis cannot reflect the operational cost of different car categories and diminish drivers’ intention on maintenance or replacement of old car, which directly influences service level and driving safety of taxis. This study is based on the theory of differential pricing which designs different taxi pricing fare according to different taxi categories’ cost and service level, then through questionnaire survey and choice behavior analysis to evaluate the feasibility of taxi differential pricing in Taipei city. This study also uses individual mode choose model to evaluate vital factors which affect passengers’ choice behavior of different fares, and probe into the feasibility of deluxe taxi in Taipei. The result indicated that due to the reason of economic condition and the high acceptance rate of brand taxi, it is now unsuitable for Taipei’s taxis to bring differential pricing into practice, but the public is willing to pay higher fares of deluxe taxi which indicates the room for high-quality deluxe taxi.


Taxi Fare Logit model Differential Pricing


1. 王冠堯(2009),「計程車費率結構之研究」,臺灣大學土木工程研究所碩士
3. 張學孔、朱純孝(2008),「考量最大願付價格下巡迴計程車市場最佳空車率
15. 張學孔、吳奇軒、陳育生(2009),「計程車產業政策關鍵因素分析」,運輸計
