  • 學位論文


Improvement of Air Conditioning Electricity Usage by Exterior Shading Devices for Existed Buildings

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


隨著環保、能源與全球暖化等議題成為國際性關注的焦點,建築的節能潛力也跟著受到多方面的評估,期使建築物盡量符合綠色建築之標準。然而,台灣的土地上,既有建築物林立;新建建築物與既有(舊)建築物比例懸殊(3:97),符合綠色建築標準的建物並不多;這些既有建築既不「綠」也不「節能」,反而因前人設計不良,在「耗能」上極為可觀。此外,它們還普遍有耗水、環境不透水化、不符生態環境等問題為人所詬病。 由於建築體尚堪用,為達「節能」目的,行政院於民國九十一年起實施「舊有建築物節能改善工程補助計畫」、「綠廳舍改善補助計畫」以及「綠建築更新診斷與改造計畫」等,補助許多單位並要求對其建築物採取節能作為,其中改善手段大半以上是施作「外遮陽改善工程」。建築物的日常耗能中空調用電占了絕大比例,因而從空調來討論建築節能具有顯著的效果。 本研究即從其中選取十棟公有辦公廳舍,因公有辦公廳舍具有相對穩定的用電習慣,探討起來較有一致性與標準性,分析改善年度前後1~3年的用電度數報表,通過外遮陽形式、施作立面朝向以及材質等資料的統計,評估各個案例的外遮陽節能效益是否有達到預期的節省空調用電之成效,分析結果顯示大部分案例都有達到節能的效果,僅兩個案例節能成效較不顯著,而其最主要原因為外遮陽形式設計不當。 針對這些「既有建築物」中具「高開窗率」者研究後,結果顯示外遮陽改善工程使得其全年的平均耗能減幅約達12%,若僅考量空調尖峰用電的夏季月份,平均耗能減幅更高達17%,節能成效顯著。有鑑於此,外遮陽改善工程確實是最值得投資,與最能收到長遠利益回饋的建築改善方案。


With issues concerning environmental protection and sustainability becoming the global development focus, the capability of how much energy saving a building can achieve to qualify for green building is evaluated from many aspects. In Taiwan, ratio between new-built and existed buildings is extremely large (3:97). Most of the existed buildings are neither energy efficient nor sustainable, some of them even spend more energy cost due to inadequate building design. In order to improve the energy performance of existed buildings, Executive Yuan has implemented many renewal and improvement policies since 2002. Projects undergo renewing and renovations are required to implement energy-saving designs. One of the most common techniques is to improve by applying exterior shading devices, which will influence the interior heat load. In this study, the electrical consumption of air-conditioning system is used as comparison basis since it accounts for the most of all the energy expenses. This study collects 10 governmental buildings to conduct the case study. For existed buildings with exterior shading devices, study found that the exterior shading devices can reduce 12% of the average electric consumption. If we focus on the electricity consumption in summer, a significant result shows that the average electric consumption can reduce up to 17%. To conclude the study, exterior shading device is not only worth investing, but also the best energy improving strategy considering the long term benefit of existed building project.


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