  • 學位論文


Cost Assessment of Tax Free Shopping Policy for Remote Islands ─A Case Study of Kinmen

指導教授 : 林建元


離島地區由於受到自然資源條件及地理環境的限制,不論在經濟、產業發展上,或是就滿足地方居民的基本生活需求而言,皆屬於發展弱勢地區。政府乃以離島建設條例之特別立法方式,從稅賦優惠、居民福利、交通補貼及部分生活福利等面向給予離島補助,目的在於推動離島開發建設,以改善離島環境品質。 從觀光發展的角度來談,觀光吸引力同時受到吃、住、遊、買等層面的因素影響,其中在購物面,又會受到品項、價格及購物環境的影響。本研究冀圖自購物面吸引力著手,分析稅賦優惠如何藉由影響商品價格以促進旅客購買慾,並以離島建設條例之稅賦優惠為基礎,進一步評估擴大實施後促進離島觀光購物之成本及效益。 本研究首先建立離島觀光購物免稅之成本評估架構,並以金門為對象,估計觀光購物免稅政策之實施成本。研究結果顯示,免徵各稅對於中央財政雖有減徵影響,但金額不大。金門地區常住人口僅六萬餘人,在關稅、貨物稅、營業稅之部分,對於中央及地方政府的負面影響相較於全國稅收,以及中央預算及離島建設基金給予金門之補助相比較,免稅成本十分微小。此外,金門地區對國庫貢獻以菸酒稅為最多,免徵菸酒稅對國庫收入之衝擊較大。此外,各稅免徵對於產業部門具有正面影響,可降低營業成本,並有機會以免稅誘因帶動觀光購物之銷售額。對地方居民而言,免徵各稅亦可降低生活成本,具有正面影響。 本研究以2012年之旅次量及平均消費金額作為基準推估免稅之財政影響,分為「市場樂觀情境」以及「市場保守情境」兩情境,預估2020年各稅可能影響的徵收金額。以市場保守情境而言,2020年關稅、貨物稅及營業稅等三稅對於中央財稅影響之可能稅損金額總計為0.371億元,菸酒稅則為14.95億元;以樂觀情境而言,2020年關稅、貨物稅及營業稅對於中央財稅影響之可能稅損金額總計為0.91億元,菸酒稅可能稅損金額為28.89億元。菸品健康福利捐則皆無影響。 綜合本研究對各稅別財政影響分析,建議金門實施全島免稅之稅別以關稅、貨物稅及營業稅為宜。此外,稅賦優惠固然可做為改進離島觀光消費環境之誘因,還是需要搭配其他提升購物魅力之作法,如品項及知名品牌的增加等,方能全面性從消費面提高離島之免稅購物吸引力。


Due to the scarcity of natural resource and geographical constraints, remote islands are disadvantaged areas for economic development. In order to encourage construction and investment in remote islands, a specific law “Statute for Public Construction in Remote Islands” was made and promoted to improve the environmental quality of remote islands. From the viewpoint of tourism development, destination attractiveness is influenced by factors such as dinning, accommodation, tour and shopping. Furthermore, the shopping attractiveness is influenced by factors such as scope of items, price and shopping environment. In this research, the cost of tax free shopping policy for the tourism development in Kinmen is to be assessed. First of all, a framework is developed to estimate the potential loss of duty free shopping for the whole Kinmen island. Comparing to the loss to the total national tax income and subsidy, the amount of tax exemption of custom duty, commodity tax and business revenue tax is relatively small. However, since Kinmen makes significant contribution of liquor tax to the national tax income, it is not appropriate to include liquor tax into the scope of tax free policy in Kinmen. The tax free policy not only increases the shopping attractiveness, but also brings down the living cost of local residents. Based on the statistics of 2012, the possible tax loss is estimated for two scenarios, namely, market optimistic scenario and market pessimistic scenario. The possible loss for the former scenario is estimated about NT$ 91 million; while the latter scenario is estimated about NT$ 37.1 million. In summary of the cost analysis, it is suggested that the tax free shopping policy should be applied to duty tax, commodity tax and business revenue tax only. In addition, it should be noticed that although tax free policy is often applied to encourage tourism shopping, it is merely one of the required instruments. Other measures should be adopted to improve the attractiveness of destination so that the benefits of tax free policy can be maximized.


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