  • 學位論文


Analysis of Key Factors and Inspection Mechanism in Bid Preparation Phase of Design-Build:Risk Management Perspective

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


本研究旨在探討營造廠商於承攬統包工程在備標階段的關鍵風險與檢驗機制,研究透過民間統包廠商的實地調查,詳實蒐集共計7件的統包新建工程案例,研究透過文獻探討、案例實證、領域專家訪談、量化問卷調查,並輔以SPSS統計法與策略矩陣分析的方式,針對營造廠商於承攬統包工程時的備標作業階段,研究建構:(1)定性探討關鍵風險因子;(2)定量分析關鍵風險因子的重要程度與可控性,並歸納分析出關鍵風險因子的排序與比重;(3)建構風險管理的檢驗機制【(I)自主檢查表;(II)策略矩陣分析;(III)風險評估表;(IV)管理要點】。 本研究以風險管理與工程實務的觀點,研究內容包括: 1) 關鍵風險因子:研究結果為A.評選項目(Q01-Q21)可區分為5個群組【群組(I)-群組(V)】,共計為21個關鍵風險因子;B.施工工期(Q22-Q38)可區分為4個群組【群組(I)-群組(IV)】,共計為17個關鍵風險因子。 2) 關鍵風險因子重要程度與可控性:以五點式李克特式量表進行兩階段的態度量表問卷調查,以及SPSS統計分析、T-Test檢定與信度分析,研究彙整業者、專家學者與統包商的意見,針對關鍵風險因子的(I)重要程度與(II)可控性,予以量化分析並更進一步評估風險因子的等級。 3) 風險管理檢驗機制:輔以工程實務操作方式,配合A.評選項目(Q01-Q21)與B.施工工期(Q22-Q38),建構風險之自主檢查表,且針對B.施工工期進行策略矩陣分析並研擬出風險評估表;進而以事前防災重於事後減災的觀念,歸納出風險管理要點,第一階段 - Step 1.風險因子辨識與確認、Step 2.訂定風險自主檢查表、Step 3.研擬避險措施與因應策略;第二階段 - Step 4.執行風險自主檢查表、Step 5.紀錄檢驗缺失與高度風險、Step 6.風險分散與緊急避險程序;第三階段 - Step 7.領域專家座談與再次檢核、Step 8.檢討檢驗機制運作成效、Step 9.修正檢驗機制與管理要點。 本研究以營造廠商的觀點,探討統包工程在備標階段的風險辨識與檢驗機制,研究證實可解決國內目前工程資訊與文獻闕漏的問題:(I)透過彙整探討風險項目,並進行兩階段的態度量表問卷調查與嚴謹統計檢定,歸納分析出關鍵風險因子,將營造廠商承攬統包工程在備標階段的風險作一完整考量,將個人主觀感覺加以客觀量化,彙集諸多具統包工程與備標經驗之專家學者對風險因子的重視程度,研擬出統包工程備標階段在評選項目與施工工期的關鍵風險因素,進而歸納並剖析思考邏輯與篩選原則,以期能提供營造廠商於辦理統包工程備標作業,風險項目的選擇與增刪參考。(II)研擬自主檢查表、策略矩陣分析、風險評估表與管理要點,以提升關鍵風險因子的控管能力,期營造廠商於承攬統包工程時在備標階段有效評估風險,並改善以往無法控制與規避的風險損害。


統包 備標風險管理


This study aims to discuss the key risks and inspection mechanism in the bid preparation phase of design-build undertaken by construction companies. The private design-build contractors were investigated in field, and seven new design-build cases were collected. The bid preparation operation phase in design-build undertaken by construction companies were studied by literature review, case demonstration, domain expert interview, quantitative questionnaire survey, SPSS statistics, and strategy matrix analysis: (1) qualitative discussion regarding key risk factors; (2) quantitative analysis of importance and controllability of key risk factors, and inductive analysis of sequence and specific gravity of key risk factors; (3) building inspection mechanism of risk management [(I) self check list; (II) strategy matrix analysis; (III) risk assessment form; (IV) key points in management]. In the views of risk management and engineering practice, the research content includes: 1) Key risk factors: the findings are A. evaluation items (Q01-Q21) can be divided into five groups [group(I)-group(V)], there are 21 key risk factors; B. construction period (Q22-Q38) can be divided into four groups [group(I)-group(IV)], there are 17 key risk factors. 2) Importance and controllability of key risk factors: a five-point Likert-type scale is used for a two-stage attitude scale questionnaire survey. The opinions of practitioners, experts, scholars, and design-build contractors, are studied and integrated by SPSS statistical analysis, t-test, and reliability analysis. (I) importance and (II) controllability of key risk factors are analyzed quantitatively, and the levels of risk factors are further evaluated. 3) Risk management inspection mechanism: with engineering practice operating mode, A. evaluation items (Q01-Q21) and B. construction period (Q22-Q38), build self check list for risks, and B. strategy matrix analysis is conducted and risk assessment form is planned for the construction period. The key points in risk management are concluded from the concepts of disaster prevention and post-disaster reduction. Stage I-Step 1: risk factor identification and confirmation; Step 2: stipulate self check list for risks; Step 3: study and plan preventive measures and coping strategies; Stage II-Step 4: execute self check list for risks; Step 5: record deficiencies in inspection and high risks; Step 6: risk diversification and emergency prevention programs; Stage III-Step 7: domain expert discussion and review; Step 8; review operational effect of inspection mechanism; Step 9: revise inspection mechanism and key points in management. This study discusses the risk identification and inspection mechanism in the bid preparation phase of design-build in the view of construction companies. It is proved that the deficiencies in the present project information and literatures of Taiwan can be remedied. First, the risk items are discussed integrally, and a two-stage attitude scale questionnaire survey and precise statistical testing are conducted in order to conclude and analyze the key risk factors. The risks in the bid preparation phase of design-build undertaken by construction companies are completely considered, and the personal subjective sensation is objectively quantified. The attention of multiple experts and scholars with experience in design-build and bid preparation are integrated. The key risk factors of evaluation items, the construction period in the bid preparation phase of design-build are determined, and the thinking logic and screening principles are concluded and analyzed in order to provide reference for construction companies in handling bid preparation operations for design-build, with selections, additions, and deletions of risk items. Second, self check list, strategy matrix analysis, risk assessment form, and key points in management are studied and planed, in order to enhance the controllability of key risk factors. We hope that construction companies can effectively evaluate risks in the bid preparation phase for undertaking design-build, and remedy the uncontrollable and inevitable damages of past risks.


Design-Build Risk Management


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