  • 學位論文


To Investigate the Effectiveness of the Statute for Upgrading the Industries by Comapring the Successful and Failed Examples of IC Industry

指導教授 : 蕭全政


政府是否應該利用產業政策來扶植特定的產業?產業政策是否有助於一國的產業發展目標?這一直是國內外產官學界有爭議性的議題。台灣政府自1990年選定包括通訊、半導體、光電、生物技術…等十項產業為策略性高科技產業,並通過「促進產業升級條例」為法律依據提供各項獎勵與補貼措施,希望能扶植所選定的高科技產業在國內成長,以促進國家的產業升級。其中積體電路上下游產業在2013年度的總產值達到新台幣一、九五兆元(約六百億美元),因此積體電路產業被認為是產業政策成功的代表。 本研究以個案分析的方法,選定積體電路產業中被認為最成功的產業-晶圓代工業,與一般認為失敗的產業-DRAM製造業,分析其中的成功與失敗因素,從中探討產業的成敗因素與所提供的獎勵與補貼措施的關聯性,以了解「促進產業升級條例」的功效。本研究分析的結果認為:雖然產業政策付出大量的社會成本,產業發展的成功或失敗主要決定在產業的策略佈局以及經營管理,與產業政策所提供的獎勵和補貼措施的關聯性不大。


Should a government use industrial policies to support the growth of specific industries? Whether industrial policies will help a country to reach the goals for industries? These have been the long time controversial topics among the industries, governments and scholars of many countries. Starting from 1990, Taiwanese government selected 10 industries including communications, optical electronics, semiconductors, bio-tech … as the strategic industries, and passed the Statute For Upgrading Industries to legitimate the incentives and subsidies for investing these strategic industries to support the growth of these industries, so that the industries of the country can be upgraded. By the year of 2013, total revenue of Taiwan’s Integrated Circuit (IC) industry reached NT1.95 Trillion (US$ 60B), thus IC industry is deemed as the example of the success of industry policy. This study intends to investigate the effectiveness of the Statute for Upgrading the Industries among the strategic industries through the case study on the success factors of successful example -wafer foundry industry, and the fail factors of failed example- DRAM industry, to probe the connections among these factors with the incentives and subsidies provided by the Statute for Upgrading the Industries. The findings of this study conclude that, although very high cost were paid by the society to support the industries, the success or fail of an industry is mainly determined by the strategic planning and the management of the industry, no strong connections among the factors with the incentives and subsidies provided by the policies.


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