  • 學位論文


Value-Added Service System Platform and Its Demonstration at Taichung City BRT

指導教授 : 張堂賢


現今交通運輸發展迅速,大眾能以多樣化的交通工具,更快速到達目的地。在各大都市,便捷又環保的大眾運輸系統為政府官員努力的目標,更是民眾不可或缺的代步工具。自巴西庫里奇巴(Curitiba)興起新式交通方式,其成效於全世界有目共睹後,各國城市爭相效仿,此系統日後著稱為快捷公車(Bus Rapid Transit, BRT)。在台灣,BRT系統起源於嘉義,並且於2014年07月27日開始,台灣的BRT系統在台中市進入新的里程碑 ─ 第一條架構完整的BRT系統開始啟用,讓行駛於台灣大道的大眾運輸工具更明確、更單一化,並且透過智慧型運輸系統(Intelligent Transport Systems, ITS)的新技術、新設施縮短乘客旅行時間,同時整合台中市原有公車路網,讓民眾更快速到達目的地。 本研究目的為提升台中市BRT資訊發佈效能,建置一資訊發佈平台,並解析台中市BRT交控中心提供之優先號誌(traffic signal priority, TSP)即時數據,透過平台提供加值服務,示範一套完整資訊發佈系統。本研究透過JAVA物件導向程式語言,建立多種運算模組,解析優先號誌即時數據,經過各模組運算後產出重要的即時資訊儲存於資料庫;並且,本研究開發一手機應用程式(Application, APP)與網頁,使乘客能夠快速獲得重要乘車相關訊息,當乘客於車站利用Wi-Fi、3G或4G連結至網際網路,透過APP連結至網頁,網頁將從資料庫取得相關資訊顯示於APP,有別於當前台中市BRT的資訊發佈內容與方式。 本研究結果顯示,台中市BRT車輛透過優先號誌系統,一年可以節省停等約260萬個路口,相當於57天的停等時間、減少約13.27公噸二氧化碳排放量,相當於3200公升的油量,並且平均一天營運與調度之車輛總數達49輛。另外,乘客能夠順利透過Wi-Fi、3G無線通訊系統連線至本加值服務平台,即時獲得最新節能資訊與當前路口優先號誌運作狀態,使乘客在搭乘BRT的過程中,更能掌握車輛效能與行車資訊,對於台中市BRT優先號誌系統的效用產生實質的理解與認同感。最後,本研究提出此加值服務平台的未來發展方向,顯示其高度的擴張性與延展性,可供政府相關單位對於台中市BRT未來營運規畫參考,也協助民營公車業者或相關企業改善其資訊發佈系統。


Nowadays, Transportation improves quickly. People can get destinations by various of transportation. Rapid and economical public transportation system is the goal of the Government’s effort in every city. One city in Brazil, Curitiba, develops a new way of transportation. The outcome is approved by all the world and, and the transportation model is used by many cities. After that, the name of the transportation model is famous for “Bus Rapid Transit” (BRT). In Taiwan, BRT is originated from Chiayi, and from 2014/07/27, it begins a new stage in Taichung in Taiwan --- the first one BRT stars with complete framework. BRT makes the public transportation on Taiwan Boulevard more clear and simplified, and it shortens travel time by Intelligent Transport Systems’ (ITS) new technologies and facilities. At the same time, BRT integrates original bus routes to make people get destination more quickly in Taichung. The purpose of this study is to improve the efficiency of Taichung BRT in releasing information. This study constructs an information releasing platform and analyzes the real time traffic signal priority (TSP) system data from Taichung BRT traffic control center. The platform provides value-added service and demonstrates a set of complete information releasing system. This study uses object-oriented programming language, JAVA, to build various operating model, analyze TSP system real time data, and store the important outputs of the various models into database. This study also develops a mobile phone application (APP) and web pages to show passengers important traveling information on them. When passengers use Wi-Fi, 3G, or 4G to connect to Internet, they can quickly get related information which is obtained from database on the APP and web pages. This releasing way and the content are different from the present situation that Taichung BRT in. The result of this study reveals that Taichung BRT vehicles with TSP system save about 2.6 million intersection waiting equal to 57 days waiting time and 13.27 metric tons of 〖CO〗_2 emission equal to 3200 liters diesel fuel every year. This study also finds that Taichung BRT operates and dispatches about 49 buses a day. Besides, passengers can connect to the value-added platform by Wi-Fi and 3G wireless communication system, getting real time energy saving information and present TSP operation status at intersections. Passengers can know bus efficiency and driving information well and realize and agree with the BRT TSP system efficiency when they using BRT. Finally, this study proposes the value-added service platform future development directions to show its high extensionality and provides the Government ideals for planning Taichung BRT future operation. These ideals also help private bus enterprises or related companies to improve their information releasing system.


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