  • 學位論文


The New Trend of Corporate Governance of Financial Institutions ─ Extend Study on the Legal Transplants of Risk Management Measures

指導教授 : 曾宛如


2000年後衍生性金融商品發展蓬勃,惟其也同樣為金融機構帶來潛在、前所未有的營運風險。在機構內部缺乏風險管理機制,風險未經妥善評估下,終於在2007年引爆金融海嘯,若干著名金融機構喪失了資金中介能力,瀕臨破產。 為此,巴塞爾銀行監理委員會、經濟合作暨發展組織等國際組織皆於2010年後陸續發布研究報告,認為金融機構的公司治理有其獨特之處,更指出風險管理(risk management)為其重要且不可或缺的議題。良好的風險管理機制,不僅可強健金融機構的體質,通暢營運,更可減低金融機構財務危機時發生連鎖反應的機率,穩定金融市場。各國主管機關亦針對上揭意見作出具體回應,修正國內公司治理守則或頒布相關法規命令,將風險管理機制納入其公司治理法制一環。 台灣金融機構雖有幸未受到金融海嘯的直接衝擊,然而在金融全球化之牽連下,台股大盤亦於2007年至2008年間重挫近6000點。衡酌此慘痛經驗及資本市場瞬息萬變的特性,台灣是否應順應此波國際趨勢,提升我國風險管理意識並檢討金融機構之營運與風險管理狀態?或應未雨綢繆,更進一步引入風險管理委員會(Risk Committee)或風控長(Chief Risk Officer)等新興風險管理機制,以健全我國金融機構之營運發展? 本文以金融機構之公司治理為主軸,探討目前金融機構公司治理之新趨勢及新興風險管理機制,並探討各機制在公司治理模式下的定位與權責。最後回歸台灣自身的經驗,分析台灣金融機構之發展脈絡及主要問題,檢討我國是否有更新風險管理機制之迫切須求,並進一步提出新制度移植之方向與具體修法建議。


The derivatives have been flourishing and booming since 2000, which has simultaneously increase business risk in financial institutions. With the lack of proper risk management and internal control system, some of the major financial institutions, such as Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch, had failed in financial intermediary and reached the verge of bankruptcy. After the outbreak of global financial crisis in 2007, many international organizations, the BASEL committee and OECD to name a few, have dedicated to finding answers to the failures of corporate governance in financial institutions. They came to the conclusion that the constant ignorance of risk management was one of the main reasons resulting in this catastrophe. Corporate governance of financial institutions had its importance and uniqueness due to their role as financial intermediary. The establishment of proper risk management measures could not only enhance the quality of financial institution itself, but also significantly reduce the impacts and damages that ripple effect might cause. Responding to these findings, many countries have legalized risk management measures, including the reform of Audit Committee and the establishment of Risk Committee or Chief Risk Officer. Although Taiwan had fortunately escaped the direct impact of global financial crisis, the TAIEX still dropped 6000 during 2007. Concerning the irreversibility of financial globalization and the vulnerability of capital market, should Taiwan take precautionary steps to advocate the awareness of risk within financial institutions? In other words, should we consider adopting certain risk management measures to promote fine corporate governance? This article, based on the discussions above, focuses on the analysis of whether Taiwan has the urgency to reform our current regulations regarding risk management, and try to offer practical suggestions to future legal implantations.


Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, Corporate Governance of Financial Institutions (2012).
German Corporate Governance Code (2015).
