  • 學位論文


Feasibility analysis of urban agriculture on spare public space: Evidence of "Deyin Square" in Wu-Gu district, New Taipei City

指導教授 : 吳珮瑛


近年來全球各地人們的居住模式,明顯朝向都市化發展,人口過度集中除了為 都市帶來經濟的繁榮,也同時面臨許多環保問題。近年來隨著人們對於環保生態的 重視,永續的都市生活觀念普遍在世界各地人們的心中發芽,對於減少消耗大量能 源與檢討過度浪費碳足跡的消費行為漸漸地成為主流價值。但是另一方面也由於 都市的快速發展,工業社會快速的轉型,造成許多原有功能的建築面臨長期閒置的 命運。於是有些都市便開始利用創新的農業科技,例如水耕、霧氣耕種等技術,使 閒置的土地再次活化利用創造價值。 本研究探討如何利用公有的閒置空間,目前生產短期蔬菜的「植物工廠」之可 行性,除了希冀再次活化閒置空間外,更期待能成為未來都市農業發展的新模式。 在發展新的都市農業模式的過程中,除需有一定「經濟價值」基礎外,同時也必須 思考對於透過居民交流機會的增加而能有助於都市「提升社會文化」的正向發展。 本研究收集兩處目前在市場上營運中的小型「植物工廠」,提供做為本研究之營運 成本分析範例,並做為將來設置都市型「植物工廠」成本計算的參考依據。 以「新北市五股區」蓬萊路上「德音休閒廣場」內閒置的軍營分析對象,並設 計問卷調查鄰近的居民、對於將閒置的軍營改建成為可以生產短期葉菜類的「植物 工廠」的接受程度。在將近 5,600 位五股區德音里的居民中,問卷共訪談 400 位居 民,並針對每位受訪者的社經資料,進行分析比較。結果顯示居民對於水耕栽培與 植物燈的應用較不熟悉,而對於食農教育的推廣或健康養生食材的運用講座有七 成以上的受訪者支持,對於未來植物工廠所生產的蔬菜八成以上的受訪者願意付 出高於市場價格購買,但在負面影響上受訪者的反應較為保守。而在與政府合作模 式上採用租賃閒置空間做為未來都市農耕的模式中,初期的租賃費用若能配合實 際營運狀態調整,並且搭配在的食農教育與舉辦健康養生料理講座,都將對於「植 物工廠」的設置具有正面的效果,同時也能有效的提升民眾對於「植物工廠」所帶 來可能的負面影響上的忍受度,研究顯示採用短期葉菜類的「植物工廠」型態將是 發展都市農業可行的模式。


In recent years, the human habitant model has changed towards urbanization, excessive concentration of population. In addition, with bringing economic prosperity, it also faces a number of environmental issues. Recently, environmental protection consciousness gains ground, the sustainable living concept rises all over the world. To reduce consume energy and the excessive waste of carbon footprint products began to become mainstream values. On the other hand, due to the rapid development of urban industrial society in transition, causing much of the buildings towards long-term idleness. So some cities try to use the innovation of agricultural science and technology, such as hydroponics, and mist cultivation technology, making the idle spaces regenerate. This study explores how to use public idle space and evaluate “Plants” feasibility. Except activate idle space and look forward to a new model for future urban agriculture. In the process of developing a new model of urban agriculture, not only having certain "economic value" basis, also need to think about how to enhance urban "social and cultural" positive developments through exchange opinions of residents. This study collected two small operating plants and produce the operating cost reference through analysis whose operating costs. This study analyzed the idle barracks of “Deyin Square”, which locates on Penglai road, Wu Gu district, New Taipei City. By designing questionnaires to nearby residents and analyzing the acceptability of that idle barracks converted into short-term leafy vegetable plants. A questionnaire survey to 400 respondents of nearly 5,600 district inhabitants and compare each one's social-economic status. Results show residents are less familiar with hydroponic cultivation and plant lights, for promoting agriculture and food education or health food apply lectures with 70% percent supported, and for future plants vegetable production with 80% percent of respondents willing to pay above-market prices, but the reaction of negative effects is rather conservative. Among the cooperation with the government and using rental spaces as a future urban farming model, the study shows if the initial rental costs could adjust with actual operating conditions, arrangement with agriculture and food education or health food apply lectures, will be positive for the “Plants”. And it can also effectively enhance the inhabitants' tolerance for negative impacts caused by the “Plants”, the study shows that setting the short-term leafy vegetable type of “Plants” will be available among urban agriculture development.


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