  • 學位論文


Technology Style of the Jar rims from HaiAnn Site, Yilan

指導教授 : 江芝華


本研究以技術選擇分析為取徑,探討海岸遺址不同時期之陶器罐口呈現技術傳統之可能,以及陶工技術選擇傾向,並且反思過去利用類型學方法宜蘭地區文化在新石器時期晚期到鐵器時期的陶器風格研究;嘗試提供不同面向的討論。 本研究主要運用屬性分析、民族誌資料來探討海岸陶工製陶的傾向、陶器技術風格變化,以及變化的可能性與意義。首先,利用屬性分析找出遺址本身年代變化之脈絡,並掌握陶器變化的主要特質。其次,以台灣及其他地區之民族誌作為陶工技術選擇之類比基礎,探討陶工技術選擇之意義和不同時期之陶器技術傳統。 結果顯示,在各個時期的技術風格都產生相當程度的選擇改變,從早期進入中期呈現兩群技術風格陶罐口,一群延續早期,但有一批新的技術風格,隱含著新社群產生的或其他可能性。中期進入晚期,技術風格全面發生變化,罐口也呈現兩套技術風格的傾向,可能功能差異所造成。本研究認為,海岸遺址陶工並非固著的群體,在各時期中持續發生選擇變化。


Based on the theory of technological choices, this research explores the technological tradtion and potters' preference of techniques as seen in the rims of pottery vessels from HaiAnn Site at different time periods. The study also re-examines the typological approach that was previously adopted to understand pottery styles from late Neolithic to Metal Age in Yi-lan area, and attempts to provide some discussions from a different perspective. The attribute analysis and ethnographical data are used here to study the preference of HaiAnn potters, the variations of technological style, and the possibility and significance of these changes. The attribute analysis helps us to see the changes, especially those of the characteristics of pottery, at this site during different periods of time. As for the ethnographies of Taiwan and other areas, they provide a basis to compare ceramic technological choices and to discuss the meanings of potters' technological choices and the technological tradition of pottery. The result shows that technological style and choices varied with time. For the middle period, there are two groups of pottery rims different in technological styles. One of them is likely to be a continuation from earlier times. The other, with new technological style, might indicate the arrival of new group of people or other possibilities. From middle to late period, the technological style went through a significant change. Two sets of technological style are observed among the vessel rims, which might be attributed to the difference in functions. In sum, this study suggests that the potters of HaiAnn Site were not a static and fixed group and the changes in technological choices can be observed for different periods of time.


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