  • 學位論文


Industrial Pollutions, Environmental Controversies, and Local Movements ― A Case Study of Mailiao, Yunlin

指導教授 : 洪廣冀


台塑關係企業麥寮工業園區,簡稱六輕,是全世界規模最大的石化園區之一。近年來詹長權等公衛學者的研究指出,六輕污染排放與居民罹病的顯著相關,引起輿論關注。令人詫異的是,對於這些污染指控,麥寮居民卻普遍抱持懷疑的態度,認為環團與專家係貪圖金錢和政治利益而刻意污衊六輕。身為麥寮人,我認為六輕議題不只是單純的「經濟發展vs.環境保護」二元對立,而是各在地行動者競奪知識權威性與政治經濟資源的鬥爭場域。因而本研究結合了科技與社會研究 (science, technology, and society, STS) 與社會運動研究 (social movement studies, SMS),透過筆者的在地人身分進行為期一年的田野調查,探究麥寮居民「不行動」的原因。本研究發現,面對污染指控,六輕會使用形式上中立客觀的政府數據和學術研究進行反擊,營造出尚未定論的科學爭議狀態。其次,六輕也透過免費健檢與衛教宣導,強調「個人」的生活習慣才是罹病的主因,迴避了工業排放增加「群體」罹病「比率」的指控。第三,麥寮居民也以長期生活得來的身體經驗、環境感知、科學詮釋等「常民知識」,質疑污染的嚴重性被過度地誇大。最後,由於上級政府在偏遠鄉村的執政失能,引發了居民對於政府「人前嚴格管制,人後手軟拿錢」雙面形象的強烈不滿,甚至認為科學家與環團對六輕的指控均是向企業勒索的圖利手段。而這些資訊也透過地方政客與六輕員工綿密的人際網絡迅速地擴散開來,讓苦無資源與傳播管道的環團行動更加受挫。種種情形均致使居民質疑外界污染指控的可信度,並認為故鄉遭受不實的抹黑。部分麥寮人因而積極透過文史探查、傳統產業復甦、都市化建設等面向試圖讓外界認識在煙囪與工業以外「不一樣的麥寮」。另一方面,2018下半年的鄉長選舉爭議,以及2019年4月氣爆案後六輕傲慢的處置態度,促使麥寮居民針對廠鄉關係進行全面性的檢討,帶動了強調公開透明的新政治在麥寮的萌芽發展,也為鄉下地區盤根錯節的政商結構尋求另一種抵抗與突破的可能性。這些行動皆證實了麥寮人絕非乖巧順從的愚民,而是具有發聲能力的行動者。但與環團所期待的對抗路線不同,麥寮人心心念念的並非「支持/反對六輕」這等簡化且極端的二元選擇;而是如何在既有的社會脈絡中與各方行動者和諧且對等地共處,一同繼續在這塊土地上生活打拼。身為在地人,我認為這就是處在各種夾縫之中,麥寮人的生存之道。


六輕 麥寮 環境運動 科學戰爭 常民知識


The No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex (No. 6 NCC), located in Mailiao, Yunlin County, is one of the largest petrochemical complexes in the world. From 2009 until now, a large body of literature has shown that the complex is a major source of air pollutants, and therefore its existence per se has constituted a great threat to local residents’ health. Surprisingly, residents of Mailiao are not convinced by the remarkable body of evidence which scientists in public health have systematically gathered and scientifically presented. They challenge the neutrality and validity of this anti-No.6 NCC research and have remained silent and ignorant for the past decade or so, despite environmentalists’ and scientists’ efforts in mobilizing them to join their campaign against the No. 6 NCC. Why don’t Mailiao residents stand up for their own health and right to life? To answer the above question, this thesis explores the intersection between social movement studies (SMS) and science and technology studies (STS). Basing on my one-year fieldwork in Mailiao, I argue that Mailiao residents’ silence and ignorance result from the following three factors: 1. The “scientific war” which the No. 6 NCC launches against the anti-No. 6 NCC research, as well as the ways in which the No. 6 NCC popularizes and disseminates their pro-No. 6 NCC research among Mailiao residents; 2. The inconsistence between residents’ bodily experiences and the anti-No. 6 NCC research, which has everything to do with the No. 6 NCC’s biopolitics to discipline the residents’ sense of the body on the one hand, and to take care of their life and health on the other; 3. residents’ moral economies in which the anti-No. 6 NCC campaign is considered to be greedy profit-seekers who care nothing whatsoever about residents’ wellbeing. Nevertheless, this essay also shows that it may be wrong if we take residents’ “silence and ignorance” for granted. There is a great number of Mailiao residents devoting themselves to rebuilding Mailiao residents’ sense of place by exploring local histories and cultures, improving infrastructures, and enhancing resilience of their natural and built environments in order to make Mailiao a better place. Moreover, the dispute over the election of the township mayor in 2018 and the arrogant attitude of the No. 6 NCC after the gas explosion in April 2019 motivated residents to conduct a comprehensive review of the relationship between the No. 6 NCC and Mailiao. Mailiao residents began locating certain pores within the entanglements that the No. 6 NCC and local politicians have manufactured and maintained, in the hope of living a better life, politically, economically and environmentally. This thesis shows that it would be misleading to apply a binary, “pro- vs. anti-No. 6 NCC,” or “environmental vs. economical” framework to examine and interpret Mailiao residents’ attitudes and actions. Mailiao residents do have agency, and scholars should no longer characterize those who participate in social and environmental movements against giant industries and industrial pollutions as having agency while those who fail to do so as having no such a thing. What concerns residents is how to collaborate and coexist with both human and nonhuman actors in their surroundings. They live in a relational world and act relationally. Only can a relational approach acknowledge and appreciate such a way of life and ways of making a living.


(一) 中文資料
王麗萍 2017。「氣!反空污」發起人的話。氣報 試刊號。
台塑關係企業總管理處安全衛生環保中心 2017。六輕工業園區之環保作為及專案推動執行情形。未出版。
-- 2018。「麥寮六輕焚化爐、掩埋場及灰塘興建工程環境影響說明書環境影響差異分析報告(焚化爐汰舊換新)暨六輕四期擴建計畫環境影響說明書環境影響差異分析報告(堆肥廠增設低含水率醱酵製程)」專案小組第2次初審會議紀錄。台北:行政院環境保護署。
