  • 期刊


Study of Curriculum Transformation Process Under the Public Preschool Guidance Program


為了因應時代的改變,公立托兒所長期以單元教學為主,也期待能透過輔導注入一些不同的想法,讓幼兒教師們有動力去接受新的觀念。本研究對象為花蓮縣瑞瑞鄉立托兒所海洋與森林兩個班級的三位教師,研究者到園輔導協助教師進行課程轉型,將以團體教學為主的單元教學中融入學習區活動。因此本研究目的為(一)瞭解輔導過程中課程轉型之歷程。(二)探討單元教學融入學習區的困難與改善策略。(三)評估輔導計畫中課程轉型對教師的影響。本研究採用質性研究方式,以訪談、觀察及文件蒐集等方式進行。最後,研究結果顯示:(一)課程轉型歷程歷經三階段,為原始風貌、醞釀與發展階段;(二)教師在單元教學融入學習區所遇到的困難有1.學習區秩序的掌控2.幼兒選擇相同的教具與角落3 .幼兒在學習區操作無法長時間專注4 .學習區開放適合的時間與進行方式;(三)課程轉型對教師所產生之影響有1.願意繼續執行學習區的型態;2.肯定到園輔導的實質收穫;3.增加分組教學的方式;4. 班級秩序的掌控良好;5.教學技巧的增進。


The purpose of this research was the on-campus guidance program of the Ocean and Forest classes and three teachers of the public preschool of Rueiruei Township in Hualien County. The main activity of this program was that assist teachers to developed learning centers in an early childhood setting. The goals of this research include: (1) understanding the development process of the on-campus guidance environmental program for the learning area; (2) investigating the problems and improvement strategies for the on-campus guidance process implementation of the learning area; and (3) evaluating the results of guidance program and implementation of the learning area on students and teacher. This research adopts a co-operative action research methodology. Adopting a qualitative research method, the data was collected from interviews and empirical observation, and the findings were as follow:1. The curriculum transformation consisted of three stages: a primitive style, the fermentation period, and the developmental stage.2. Problems encountered during teachers use Unit integration the learning area:(1) Learning area procedural control(2) Children choosing similar instructional tools and comers.(3) Children in the learning area cannot focus for long.(4) Appropriate operating hours and procedures for the learning area3. Results of curriculum transformation for teachers(1) willingness to continue implementing the learning area(2) Great benefits for on-campus guidance(3) team instruction method(4) control of class procedures(5) enhancing teaching skills
