  • 期刊


A Bi-Level Programming Model for Land Use-Network Design


都市計畫草圖的作用在表現實質計畫的配置草稿,而實質計畫主要由土地使用與運輸路網兩個部門所構成。過去草圖的產生過程一直被視為黑箱作業,且各部門間欠缺系統化的整合考量,為提高規劃者之工作效率與品質,Feng and Lin構建「都市計畫草圖替選方案分析模式(sketch layout model, SLM)」。該模式是一個能提綱挈領地處理土地使用與運輸路網整合設計問題的非線性多目標數學規劃模式,透過基因演算法之求解,可找出近似非劣解集作為替選方案使用。SLM模式經過SLM-Ⅰ、SLM-Ⅱ、SLM-Ⅲ的演進,雖然已可同時處理土地、路網與設施之配置,但在路網配置上尚有一些問題待克服;其中,由於未能分析旅運行為,故尚無法區分配置路段之種類,亦即無法決定諸如主要道路或次要道路之區別。為將旅運行為納入SLM中處理,本研究將SLM-Ⅲ與旅次分布/路網指派整合模式結合為二階規劃型式之SLM-Ⅳ模式,並經由簡例測試與敏感度分析驗證模式之可操作性與意義。


The sketch map for urban planning represents the rough layout of a physical plan, which includes land uses and transport network, but, the process of generating sketches has long been regarded as a ”black box” and the integration between different sectors is ignored. In order to improve the efficiency and quality of layout tasks, Feng and Lin created the sketch layout model (SLM). This model is a nonlinear and multi-objective programming, which can be used to analyze the integrated layout of land uses, transport network and public facilities. Although the SLM had been developed for three phases and can be applied on real cases, it still ignores the travel behavior and the types of roads in transport network. In order to create a hierarchical road network, this study developed the SLM-Ⅳ, a bi-level programming, by integrating the SLM-Ⅲ and the combined distribution/assignment model. A numerical example and its sensitivity analysis will be shown to verify the operational feasibility and identify the characteristics of model.


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