  • 期刊


Discussion on the Common Defects in Construction of Quality Inspection in Public Works




From the beginning of planning and design, public construction projects can increase urban land values, however, at the expense of pollution on surrounding communities, traffic problems, and inconvenience to the local residents. Moreover, any operational misconduct might cause the loss of residents' lives and their properties. It is highly concern to the construction community how to promote the quality of project and correct the defects discovered from engineering checkpoint. Current study analyzes the audit system and laws regulated by Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred to as the Engineering Association) in reviewing the defects from audit, and related literatures through case studies on most favorable bid, high quality award (golden award), and commonly discovered defects during engineering construction check and engineering check preparation.


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維基百科網站 ISO 9000 (2018). 取自https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9000
