  • 期刊


Trends in Casualty Subsidy Application of Nurses in Taiwan


目的:護理人員為全民健康之守護者,關懷護理人員執業健康狀況成為重要議題。本研究旨在探討全國執業護理人員健康威脅狀況,提供未來在維護護理人員健康議題上之政策參考。方法:本研究是以中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會(全聯會)會員資料庫進行統計分析。結果:研究結果發現全聯會在2005-2013年間扣除重複補助者,共申請補助傷亡會員965人;補助原因依序為:癌症645人(66.8%)、疾病172人(17.8%)、意外55人(5.7%)、自殺45人(4.7%)、身心障礙32人(3.3%)以及原因不詳16人(1.7%)等。申請補助的疾病類別以免疫疾病居多。此外,因癌症、意外事故及自殺等原因申請補助人數有逐年增加趨勢。腫瘤類別與傷亡申請者之年齡差別達統計顯著意義(F=5.6, p<.001)。護理師的乳癌與肺癌發生年齡較全國罹病年齡低。結論/實務應用:護理人員應養成定期接受健康篩檢,尤其是接受低劑量電腦斷層攝影之肺癌篩檢。此外,醫療院所應加強運用各種管道,適度調解護理人員壓力,維護其身心健康。


護理人員 傷亡 癌症 職業衛生 全聯會 慰問


Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the threats to nurses' health nationwide and to provide a reference for future policy on the health maintenance program for nurses. Promoting the health of nurse practitioners is an important issue as they are gatekeepers to national health. Methods: Cross-sectional formulae and secondary data analysis were used based on the database of associate members from the Taiwan Union of Nurses Association from 2005 to 2013. Results: A total of 965 nurses applied for subsidy funds. Reasons for subsidy were: 645 (66.8%) for cancer, 172 (17.8%) for disease, 55 (5.7%) for accident, 45 (4.7%) for suicide, 32 (3.3%) for disabilities and 16 (1.7%) unknown. The major category for disease applications was autoimmune diseases. Applications for assistance cause by cancer, accidents and suicides increased every year. The age of onset for breast and lung cancer was below the national average. The age difference between the tumor category and the application for subsidy was statistically significant (F=5.6, p<.001). Conclusions/ Implications for Practice: It is recommended that nurses receive regular health screening, including low-dose computed tomography of lung cancer. Healthcare facilities should implement programs to relieve work related pressure and improve mental and physical health of nurses.


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