  • 期刊


Effect of High Voltage Electric Field (HVEF) Treatment on Quality of Pleurotus geesteranus During Postharvest Storage


秀珍菇營養豐富、口感深受市場喜愛,但因採收後其生理作用持續進行,加上含水量高及質地柔嫩,易隨儲藏期間而迅速失去外觀及食用品質,貨架期受到限制;高壓電場為一新穎的食品加工技術,具有操作方便、無劑量殘留及非熱處理等優點,應用在蔬果、魚類等,具有延緩重量下降、減少色澤變化等保鮮效果,然而目前較少應用於菇類的保鮮。本研究旨在探討高壓電場技術搭配冷藏技術,延緩秀珍菇在採收後的品質劣變,達到保鮮之目的。研究以秀珍菇儲藏期間的失重率作為指標,利用反應曲面法探討電場處理強度與處理時間兩者的最佳條件及對其失重率的影響,結果發現在儲藏第12天有顯著差異(p < 0.05),且電場強度的影響大於處理時間,其中以360 Kv/m、110 min效果最佳;進一步比較電場處理後秀珍菇於儲藏12天之品質變化,與控制組相比,褐變度延緩56.0%,延長約6天貨架品質,物性品質方面,失重率延緩49.3%、硬度下降率延緩67.2%、煮失率延緩27.0%,並以掃描式電子顯微鏡證明電場技術有效維持秀珍菇細胞壁之間的緊密結構,延緩細胞壁分解所造成的組織自溶現象、進而延緩後續的劣變情形。此研究發現高壓電場作為菇類之保鮮技術,有維持品質及增加貨架保鮮期之應用價值。


Pleurotus geesteranus (P. geesteranus) is rich in nutrients and tastes deeply loved by the market. Mushrooms lose their quality rapidly during postharvest storage at ambient temperature because of their high moisture content. The high voltage electric field (HVEF) is a novel food processing technology with the advantages of non-heating, convenient operation and non-residue. This technology is applied to the preservation of fruits, vegetables, and fish has the effect of delaying the weight reduction and reducing the color change to maintain the quality, but it is less used for the preservation of mushrooms. It has the effect of improving weight reduction and color change to maintain quality. But it is less used for the preservation of mushrooms. The purpose of this study is to investigate the HVEF to delay the quality deterioration of the postharvest P. geesteranus. In the results, the conditions of HVEF treatment intensity and treatment time is designed by the response surface methodology (RSM). Using a weight loss rate as an indicator to explore the effect of two factors of electric field intensity and treatment time, it was found that the module had a significant difference on the 12th day ( p < 0.05), and the influence of the electric field strength on the weight loss rate was better than the electric field time. The HVEF treatment condition was set to 360 kV/m for 110 min, then observed the quality changes of mushrooms during storage for 12 days. HVEF treatment can effectively reduce the weight loss rate (49.3%), firmness decline rate (67.2%), browning index rising rate (56.0%) and cooking loss rate (27.0%) of the mushrooms during storage. Thus, HVEF treatment can effectively maintain the structure between the cell walls of mushrooms, delay the autolysis of tissue caused by cell wall decomposition, and then slow down the deterioration of storage quality. This study shows that HVEF as a novel preservation technology for agricultural, it has the application potential to maintain quality and extend the shelf life.
