  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Using Appropriate Emotion Along with Argument: A Case Study of Diplomatic Language of Military Affaris in The Chun Tsew with The Tso Chuen




Emotion influnces cognitive and the motivation of behavior. We are imbuted with emotion. Being in a good mood reduces our ability to formulate counterarguments aginst persuasive messages. We are to joyfully and sincerely admit anothers superiority, when we are in a good mood than we are in a less positive mood. To be polite and amiable with justice on ones side is better than to be in the right and self-confident in speech or action. For effective persuasion, we must use appropriate emotion along with argument. This article is to discuss using appropriate emotion along with argument, and explore the demonstration of diplomatic language of military affairs in The Chun Tsew with The Tso Chuen.
