  • 期刊

Phytophthora Diseases of Compositae in Taiwan




自1980-1994年調查本省菊科作物疫病,發現有七種花卉與一種蔬菜罹患疫病,共分離出三種疫病菌。包括:Phytophthora cryptogea危害非洲菊(Gerbera jamesonii)、瓜葉菊(Senecio cruentus)、麒麟菊(Liatris spicata)、菊花(Chrysanthemum morifolium)、紅鳳菜(Gunura bicolor);P. parasitica危害矢車菊(Centaurea cyanus)與銀葉菊(Senecio cineraria);P. capsici危害大理花(Dahlia hybrida)。受害植物主要是莖基部或根系被感染,造成萎凋,嚴重時全株死亡;有時莖部與葉片亦會被感染,造成莖腐與葉枯。病原性測定,被接種的植株均出現與田間一致的病徵,相同的病原菌亦可自罹病組織上再分離得到。所有分離得到之P.cryptogea與P. capsici菌株均爲A^1配對型,而所有P. parasitica菌株均爲A^2配對型。P. cryptogea危害瓜葉菊、麒麟菊、菊花、紅鳳菜;P. parasitica危害矢車菊與銀葉菊;P. capsici危害大理花均爲台灣之新紀錄。


Phytophthora diseases in the family of Compositae were surveyed in Taiwan from 1980 to 1994. Three species of Phytophthora were detected and seven flower plants and one vegetable crop were found to be infected. Diseases included P. cryptogea on Chrysanthemum morifolium. Gerbera jamesonii, Gunura bicolor, Liatris spicata (blazing-star), Senecio cruentus (cineraria) P. parasitica on centaurea cyanus (cornflower) and Senecio cineraria (dusty miller), and P capsici on Dahlia hybrida. All three species of Phytophthora caused wilt and death of affected plants due to serious basal stem rot and/or root rot. Occasionally, the fungi attacked leaves and stems and induced leaf blight and stem rot. In pathogenicity tests each species of Phytoph thora caused diseases on their individual host plants similar to those occurring in natural field conditions. Species of Phytophthora identical to inocula were reisolated from all of the diseased inoculated plants. All isolates of P. cryptogea and P. capsici obtained in this study were Ai mating type; whereas all P. parasitica were A: mating type. P. cryptogea on S. cruen- tus, c mori folium, L. spicata, and G. bicolor. parasitica on s cineraria and cyanus; and P. capsici on D. hybrida were first reported in Taiwan.
