  • 期刊

Effect of Temperature on the Survival of Meloidogyne incognita

溫度對Meloidogyne incognita存活之影響


供試溫度爲5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40及45℃。根瘤線蟲Meloidogyne incognita二齡幼蟲最長之存活爲15℃處理之380天,最短之存活爲45℃處理之4小時;在這個溫度下處理到3.5小時98.8%線蟲已死亡。在40℃之處理到第六天線蟲已全部死亡,35℃之處理到第六十天線蟲全部死亡。30℃處理25天後,線蟲幾乎已全部死亡,而25℃者已全部死亡。處理60天後,在20℃及10℃之線蟲僅少數存活。低溫的5℃之處理到第二十天線蟲之死亡率已達99.3%在15℃存活180, 220, 260, 320及380天之線蟲皆能侵入綠豆苗根部造成根瘤並產生卵塊,然而此等長期存活之線蟲侵入率較新鮮之線蟲爲低。本研究之結果可作爲評估太陽能消毒法、輸作、及休耕等線蟲防治策略之參考。實驗數據顯示以餓死線蟲爲策略之防治方法;如输作及休耕等,在某些地區之較冷季節可能無效,而在台灣,輪作及休耕可能在夏初開始進行者比在冬天有效。


溫度 存活 太陽能消毒法 輪作 休耕 Meloidogyne


The temperatures tested were 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45℃. The longest survival of Meloidogyne incognita second stage juveniles was 380 days at 15℃ and the shortest was less than 4 h at 45℃. At 45℃, 98.8% nematodes were dead after 3.5 h. At 40℃, all the nematodes were dead after 6 days. At 35℃, all the nematodes were killed after 60 days. After 25 days, only few nematodes survived at 30℃ and none survived at 25℃. There were only small percentages of nematodes survived at 20℃ and 10℃ after 60 days. The mortality at 5℃ wits 99.3% after 20 days. The nematodes survived at 15℃ after 180, 220, 260, 320, and 380 days were capable of infecting mung bean roots and produced galls and egg masses, although the infectivity of those survived nematodes were all significantly lower than the fresh nematode. The present findings can be used as the basis for evaluating the control strategies such as solarization, crop rotation, and fallow practice. The data showed that control strategies based on starvation of the nematodes, such as crop rotation and fallow, would not he effective in the cool seasons in certain areas, never the less, in Taiwan, fallow or crop rotation in the early summer would be more effective than in the winter for the control of M. incognita.


crop rotation fallow Meloidogyne solarization survival temperature
