  • 期刊


Taiwan's Participation in the Winter Olympic Games and Rationale for Issuing Winter Sports Postage Stamps


中華郵政於1972 年及1976 年分別以「滑降」、「越野」、「大迴轉」及「滑雪射擊」、「雪橇」、「滑雪」等滑雪運動項目為主題,發行體育郵票共兩套、六張,以紀念臺灣參與冬季奧林匹克運動會;惟臺灣位屬於亞熱帶地區,終年降雪機率低,其氣候環境不利發展冬季運動項目,但中華郵政卻發行兩套共六張以冬季運動項目為主之體育郵票,遂引起研究者之興趣,欲探知郵票發行背後之因。本研究主要採歷史研究法,輔以文獻分析法,透過相關文獻進行解讀與分析,探討臺灣參與冬季奧運會之契機與目的。研究結果如下:(一)1959 年,臺灣為維護奧會會籍之名稱,積極爭取參加1960 年冬季奧運會,在氣候環境不利的情況下,仍選派選手至國外移地訓練,以參加比賽。(二)臺灣於1968 年墨西哥奧運會正名成功後,陸續正式成為冬季運動單項總會會員,受邀參加1972 年及1976 年冬季奧運會,政府單位為紀念臺灣參與冬季奧運會,於此兩屆奧運會開幕之際,發行以冬季運動項目為主之體育郵票,以示紀念,並藉此提倡與宣傳冬季運動項目,以培育優秀冬季運動選手,參與國際賽事。(三)1971 年,臺灣退出聯合國,在國際政治受挫的情況下,仍參與1972 年冬季奧運會,成績雖不理想,但透過參與國際賽事,與國際各國接觸,拓展外交,企圖重返聯合國。


In 1972 and 1976, the Chunghwa Post issued two sets of postage stamps which include six winter sports: downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, giant slalom skiing, biathlon, luge, and freestyle skiing to commemorate Taiwan's participation in the Winter Olympic Games. Taiwan is located in subtropical country with little snow, it is difficult to develop winter sports. The researcher is curious about this phenomenon, and thus, adopted a historical method combined with literature analysis and interpretation to investigate the rationale and purpose. The results are as followed. Firstly, Taiwanese government tried to defend the membership in the International Olympic Committee in 1959, and seized the chance to participate in 1960 Winter Olympic Games. Despite the local conditions was not suitable for winter sports, several athletes were sent overseas for training and competing. Secondly, Taiwan was acknowledged as a member of the International Olympic Committee in 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico. Years later, Taiwan became a member of the Association of International Olympic Winter Sports Federation, and was invited to the 1972 and 1976 Winter Olympic Games. In commemoration of Taiwan's participation, the government issued postage stamps with winter sports during these two Olympic Games. The purpose was to promote winter sports, and also cultivate athletes for international winter games. Finally, Although Taiwan (Republic of China) withdrew from the United Nations in 1971, the government still sent teams to participate in the 1972 Winter Olympic Games under this adverse circumstances. The competition results were not satisfied, nevertheless, the main purpose was keeping the international contacts, and expanded diplomacy through the participation in order to rejoin the United Nations.


行政院體育委員會(2011)。中華民國建國100 年體育專輯:體育人物誌。臺北:行政院體育委員會。
行政院體育委員會(2011)。中華民國建國100 年體育專輯:體育政策。臺北:行政院體育委員會。
