  • 學位論文


The Narrative Inquiry of Agribusiness: A Case Study of Guanmiao Green Bamboo Shoots.

指導教授 : 蔡璞


臺灣綠竹筍種植面積約六千公頃,每年創造約2億新臺幣的產值;由於綠竹筍無法機械化種植,導致人工成本相當地高,再加上農業人才老化,使得產業發展更加困難。北部綠竹筍的生產面積約佔全臺的75%,雖在農委會(現農業部)與農會的幫助下,不斷地舉辦行銷活動,但仍苦於生產整合不易與價格高低起伏波動而困擾不已;為解決此一問題,北部地區過去曾成立綠竹筍策略聯盟,希望能藉由整合種植面積小而分散之小農,以追求規模經濟;但最終無法有效地整合,以失敗收場。反觀臺南「關廟果菜生產合作社」卻異常地成功,產品(綠竹筍)除成功地打入7-ELEVEN的系統之外,並外銷日本、新加坡、紐西蘭、美國四國,且克服季節因素,達成四季皆能生產綠竹筍供應市場。本研究運用敘說探究(narrative inquiry)的質性研究方法,藉由關廟果菜生產合作社社長郭忠先生的現身說法,探究其經營理念與事業成功之路,希冀其成功能借鑒予其他地區綠竹筍產銷單位。 研究結果發現,關廟果菜生產合作社成功的因素在於其經營理念皆符合企業化經營的理論,例如:運用專業分工與人員調度以進行生產管理、擴大生產規模以取得成本優勢、藉由被動行銷以取得與通路商談判的籌碼、藉由技術研發;開發一年四季皆能供貨的綠竹筍,以獲得稀缺物質的價格優勢、他也激勵員工;提供經營效率與降低人員流動率…等等;此外,本研究進一步發現,取得規模經濟不僅僅為農企業取得成本上的優勢,還是下游通路商選擇供應商的重要條件之一;大型通路商為整合方便、降低交易成本,往往傾向與大型供應端合作,在日本,通路商在尋找供應來源時,先要求有量、再求產品品質、最後才是價格;臺灣大型通路已經意識下游生產規模的重要性。臺灣為小農經濟,所生產的農產品標準不一,有足夠貨源且標準一致的供應商具有競爭的絕對優勢;亦即具生產規模與品質的大型供應商不但在現代工業化產業具有優勢,在傳統的農業亦同樣具有優勢。此外,本研究也發現農企業經營者的特質,例如:商機洞察力、努力追求進步的經營態度、嘗試改變的冒險精神、具經營管理意識的企業家精神、…等等,亦為帶領農企業改變與成功的重要因素。


There is a total of 6,000 hectares of land in Taiwan dedicated to the farming of green bamboo shoots, generating a production value of NT$ 200 million. In fact, approx. 75% of the production areas are in northern Taiwan. Despite the assistance from the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (soon to be upgraded as the Ministry of Agriculture) and farmers’ associations, the industry is still troubled with the difficulty in resources integration and selling price volatility. However, Guanmiao Cooperative of Fruits & Vegetables in Tainan has emerged as an unusual success. Its green bamboo shoots are selling to 7-Eleven in the domestic market and exporting to Japan, Singapore, New Zealand and the United States. This paper aims to make a narrative inquiry (a qualitative approach) by interviewing Mr. Chong Guo, Chairman of Guanmiao Cooperative of Fruits & Vegetables to learn about the cooperative’s management philosophy and key success factors. It is hope that other production and marketing organizations can draw a lesson from their success in green bamboo shoots. The results suggest that the secret of success for Guanmiao Cooperative of Fruits & Vegetables is its ability to operate like a business. For example, they establish a division of labour and allocate personnel accordingly to manage and expand production for cost advantages. They also accumulate bargaining power with channels by reactive marketing. They develop the green bamboo shoots that can go to the market all the year round, in order to gain a price advantage when the supply is in shortage. They also provide incentives to employees in order to encourage efficiency and reduce staff turnovers. Meanwhile, this paper finds that large distributors tend to work with large suppliers in order to shop at one stop and reduce transaction costs. This is particularly important in Taiwan because the majority of farmers are small in scale and there are not consistent standards for agricultural produces. The suppliers with ample sources and consistent quality have absolute advantages. Finally, the insight into business opportunities, the constant drive for excellence, the entrepreneurship to embrace changes and the conscious efforts to apply management disciplines are all important factors for the transformation and success of agribusinesses.


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