  • 學位論文


Effect of Body-mind-spirit With Psychoeducational Group for Parents With Cancer on Mental Health and Perceived Parent-child Relationship

指導教授 : 張秀如


本研究目的為探討身心靈暨衛教團體對罹癌父母心理健康及親子知 覺關係實施成效,研究設計採實驗性研究設計,隨機控制試驗法 (randomized controlled trial)。研究對象為診斷患有癌症的父親或母親,並已依醫囑進行治療;且育有子女(10~24歲),子女已知父母罹癌診斷者。於台北市某區域教學醫院腫瘤科收案,以隨機方式將研究對象分為實驗組(A組)及控制組(B組),控制組僅接受一般性醫療照護,實驗組除了接受一般性醫療照護外,並加上身心靈暨衛教團體心理治療,內容包含身心靈暨衛教團體及護理衛教諮詢二部分,針對身心靈暨衛教團體實驗組,共進行為期兩天總計十二小時的團體治療介入措施,團體課程皆由資深腫瘤專科醫師及心理諮詢師擔任團體治療者及協同治療者。護理衛教諮詢方面,採用寄發由研究者匯整的罹癌父母身心靈暨衛教團體紀實,再經由電話訪談,進一步了解並關懷實驗組個案父母罹癌過程中情緒困擾、靈性健康與親子知覺關係的適應。身心靈暨衛教團體治療成效的測量包括:Beck憂鬱量表第二版中文版(Beck Depression Inventory-second edition BDI-II)、Beck焦慮量表(Beck Anxiety Inventory, BAI)、親子關係量表(Parents and Children Relationship Scale, PCRS)、及靈性評估量表(Spirituality Assessment Scale, SAS),於身心靈暨衛教團體治療之前後施行測量。統計分析採用描述性及推論性統計,以重複測量共變數分析(Repeated Measures ANCOVA)進行成效分析;另針對憂鬱、焦慮、靈性健康及親子知覺關係各次量表中排序前三名的困擾問題做分析探討。研究結果發現實驗組較控制組在憂鬱症狀、靈性健康方面的統計結果上有顯著改善;焦慮程度的平均得分,則在介入措施後有明顯下降。研究結果顯示身心靈暨衛教團體治療能改善罹癌父母的情緒困擾,提昇靈性健康並增強親子關係知覺及正向支持力量。本研究結果應有助於臨床護理人員運用身心靈暨衛教團體治療來改善罹癌父母的情緒障礙調適。


The purpose of this research was to explore the effects of body-mind-spirit with psychoeducational group treatment for parents with cancer on mental health and perceived parent-child relationship. The research design utilized experimental research design and randomized controlled trial. The subjects are consisting of fathers (mothers) who have illness diagnosed as cancer and have received treatment according to the doctor’s advice. Besides, those parents with cancer have children (10-24 years old), and are recruited from a district teaching hospital in Taipei. These subjects are divided at random into experimental group (group A) and control group (group B). The control group only received regular medical care. As for the experimental group, the members received body-mind-spirit with psychoeducational group treatment in addition to regular medical care. The content includes both body-mind-spirit with psychoeducational group treatment and nursing education consultation, aiming at experimental group to receive group treatment intervention for totally twelve hours in two days. All group courses were provided by senior oncologic specialists and psychological consultants serving as group therapists and coordination therapists. With respect to nursing education consultation, we send out body-mind-spirit with psychoeducational group record collected and organized by the researches, then, we have interviews by means of telephone to further understand and care the emotional confusion, spiritual health, and parent-child relationship adaption of the client parents with cancer in the treatment process. The measurement of the effects on body-mind-spirit with psychoeducational group and nursing health education include: Beck Depression Inventory-second edition BDI-II, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Parents and Children Relationship Scale (PCRS), and Spirituality Assessment Scale (SAS), all of which were conducted before/after body-mind-spirit with psychoeducational group treatment and nursing health education. On one hand, the statistical analysis adopts descriptive and inferential statistics to operate repeated measures ANCOVA. On the other hand, in accordance with depression, anxiety, spiritual health, and parent-child perception relationship in each subscale, we canvass and analyze the first three problems in sequence. Results showed that, the experimental group has remarkable improvement concerning depression symptoms and spiritual health. The mean scores of anxiety symptoms significantly declined after intervention. Results showed that body-mind-spirit with psychoeducational group can improve the emotional dysfunction spiritual health, and parent-child relationship. The study results have important implications for clinical nursing personnel to exert body-mind-spirit with psychoeducational group treatment to improve the emotional dysfunction for parents with cancer.


