  • 學位論文


Evacuation Planning of Tourists for the Chihkan Cultural Zone in Tainan

指導教授 : 邵珮君


台灣位處於環太平洋地震帶上,境內各種大小規模地震頻傳早已習有所聞,因此對於地震災害的預防以及災害發生時的避難疏散計畫確實是必須有一嚴謹的規劃與設計方案。 台南市是台灣早期發展的地區之一,亦是少數歷史古蹟密集的地區,近期因為都市的發展計劃,再加上歷史文化保存結合觀光旅遊的觀念興盛,所以有許多的古蹟與其所在地周遭的一些歷史建築被以文化園區的方式劃分成數個區塊,而台南市赤崁文化園區則是台灣少數同時聚集荷治、明鄭、清領及日據等各時代歷史建築的地區。 本研究首先透過文獻收集來了解避難的相關理論與風險因子,再針對該地區以環境調查與問卷調查的方式來了解當地的環境現況以及觀光客的看法,並進一步以避難模擬軟體simulex來針對該地區的避難現況做進一步的模擬與分析檢討。 在經過一連串的環境調查之後,發現該地區的老舊歷史建築相當密集、住商混合使用情況普遍、建物屋齡普遍老舊、街道巷弄狹隘、商家與汽機車違規占用騎樓與道路之狀況普遍、假日觀光客人潮與車流擁擠且餐飲小吃等用火行業密集,導致該地區在遭遇大規模的地震則容易發生建築物倒塌而阻礙避難以及大量觀光客無法順利疏散的狀況,而在經由環境調查、觀光客問卷調查與simulex模擬避難後所得之結果,本研究整理出赤崁文化園區內幾個主要的避難問題。 經由軟體模擬結果顯示,若於開基靈祐宮前廣場與成功國小及赤崁樓停車場間規畫一通道,使該地區人員於災時可以經由該通道疏散,除了可以大幅減少避難時間之外,亦可減少民族路於災時的避難疏散負擔;於平常時間關閉的成功國小側門,若可協調開放讓新美街北端地區的人員作避難疏散使用,除了可以大幅減少避難時間之外,同樣可減少民族路於災時的避難疏散負擔。 經由環境調查與軟體模擬之後,在配合上觀光客問卷所得之結果發現,除上述相關問題之外,觀光客與當地居民最大的差異是不了解當地環境以及相關避難規劃,因此,為使當地的整體避難規畫能更切合觀光客之需求,本研究建議於大天后宮、赤崁樓、開基靈佑宮與萬福庵等觀光景點設置避難地圖之告示牌與指標,並於幾個主要路口如:永福路二段與民族路二段交差口、新美街與郡緯街交叉口等地區設置避難疏散方向指示,並在相關避難場所如:赤崁樓停車場、大天后宮前廣場、萬福庵前廣場等地區之相關出入口設置告示牌,標示該地區於災時之相關用途與限制。


Taiwan is located in the Circum-Pacific seismic belt, all kind of frequent earthquakes within the study have already heard, so, indeed, there must be a rigorous planning and design about earthquake disaster prevention and disaster evacuation plans. Tainan is the one of Taiwan's early developed zone with a handful of dense historical monuments. Due to the recent urban development projects, historical and cultural preservation combine with the concept of tourism flourished, many local monuments and local antique buildings are divided into several blocks based on Cultural Zone, and The Chihkan Cultural Zone in Tainan Chihkan Cultural Zone is rare place in Taiwan which has some buildings built in Dutch colonial period ,some buildings built in reign of in the Ming Zheng Chenggong ,some buildings built in the reign of the Qing and some buildings built in Japanese colonial period. Therefore this paper will first survey the literature review to learn about the evacuation theories and risk factor for evacuation, and environmental survey for the region and to survey ways to understand the local environmental conditions and the views of tourists, and further use the evacuation simulation software, simulex to simulate for the current situation in the region for further review and analysis of the simulation. After doing a series of environmental investigation, find the old historic buildings in the area quite dense, mixed residential and commercial use is prevalent, old age of building houses is universal, narrow streets and alleys, and businesses and motor vehicles illegal occupation arcade, and crowds of holiday and Vehicles congestion, and other snack food and beverage industry, intensive use of fire, if the massive earthquake hit buildings are prone to collapse and obstruct the situation of asylum and a large number of tourists to evacuate the state can not successfully, by the environment in the survey questionnaire, tourists Survey and after evacuation from the simulex simulation results, the Chihkan Cultural Zone sorted out several major evacuation problem. Software simulation results show that, if plan a channel between the square in front of the Kai-Chi Ling Yu Temple and Cheng-Gong elementary schools and The Chihkan Tower parking , personnel at the disaster in the region can be evacuated through the channel, in addition to the evacuation time can be greatly reduced, the reduction of Sec. 2, Minzu Rd. in the disaster can be Refuge during the evacuation burden; in normal time, the Cheng-Gong elementary schools side door closed, if open to the Xinmei St. to coordinate the northern end of the evacuation area of personnel for evacuation using, in addition to the evacuation time can be greatly reduced, the same can reduce the time of Sec. 2, Minzu Rd. in the disaster evacuation shelter burden. By the Environmental Investigation and software simulations, in line with the tourists on the results obtained from the questionnaire that, in addition to the above-related problems, the biggest difference of tourists and local residents was understand the refuge in the local environment and related planning, therefore, for the local The overall evacuation plan will better meet the needs of tourists, this study suggests that in the Taina Grand Matsu Temple, The Chihkan Tower, Kai-Chi Ling Yu Temple and Wan-Fu Temple, the map of tourist attractions set to sign refuge and indicators, and in several major intersections such as: Sec. 2, Yongfu Rd. and Sec. 2, Minzu Rd. cross population, Xinmei St. Junwei St. set intersection and other areas with evacuation evacuation directions, and related shelters such as: The Chihkan Tower parking lot, Taina Grand Matsu Temple square in front, Wan-Fu Temple square in front of entrances and exits and other areas related signs marking the area at the time of disaster related uses and limitations.


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