  • 學位論文


A Scenario Analysis and Business Model Innovation of Arch Medical Equipment-Case Study of HOMEWAY Technology Company

指導教授 : 莊立民


隨著經濟的快速發展、國民所得提升,國人對健康養生觀念逐漸提升,對健康的要求也與日俱增。因此政府於2009年分別推動的六大新興產業中,以生物科技產業被視為下一個兆元產業,其產業範疇包含新興生技產業、製藥產業及醫療器材產業。足部健康會影響使用雙腳走路的我們,因此以量身訂作配置足弓矯正器,達到足部健康養生的足弓醫療器材,屬於醫療器材產業中的新興產品。 紅崴科技股份有限公司主要生產足弓矯正器之醫療器材,因此本研究以「紅崴科技公司」為研究對象,以AHP層級分析法專家問卷為主,用以判定各變數之關鍵影響因素間的相對權重。對象以紅崴科技公司中高階主管,共發放12份專家問卷。本研究主要目的在探討策略創新議題及策略創新模式,推導出紅崴科技公司之足弓醫療器材產業未來創新商業模式,進而作為企業採取因應對策之指導方針。 在研究方法上,本研究透過文獻分析法、及層級分析法程序法,建構紅崴科技公司之足弓醫療器材產業驅動力量因素及重要程度,藉以發展出此公司未來之可能情境組合,再透過12位紅崴公司中高階以上主管選出八種未來可能面臨之情境,包含「經濟持續成長且新進入廠商威脅增強」、「技術持續躍進且新進入廠商威脅變弱」、「經濟持續成長且現有廠商間競爭威脅增強」、「技術持續躍進且現有廠商間競爭威脅變弱」、「經濟持續成長且行銷與服務能力增強」、「技術持續躍進且行銷與服務能力增強」、「經濟持續成長且研發與創新能力增強」、「技術持續躍進且研發與創新能力增強」,及因應之創新商業模式,並發展相關命題。


In the rapid growth of economy and increased of national income, publics are more concern on health prevention. Thus, health requirements are also increasing rapidly. In year 2009, government has work hard in promote 6 new industries. Bio-technology industry are seems to be the next trillion industry, its involve bio-tech market, pharmacy market and medical equipments market. Foot health is the most important because it will affect our human being who use two feet as walking.Thus, individual customized arch support is one of the medical equipment to promote foot health. It is the new concept of product in medical equipments market. Homeway Tech Ltd is the manufacturer which produces customized corrective arch support in medical equipment market. In this case, AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) will be used to analyze Homeway Tech Ltd as a model, to analyze their importance of relations between each factor. 12 set of professional questionnaire will be distributed to the 12 executives in Homeway Tech Ltd. The purpose of this study is to discuss the innovative strategy issues and innovative business model. It is used to develop future innovative strategy model relation chart. It is the guidelines as to response the strategy of Homeway Tech Ltd in the future. This study using literature analysis and hierarchical structure analysis to develop the driving force issue and the importance issue in medical equipment market, and thus develop the future possible environment of Homeway. Based on the 8 future possible scenario from 12 executives, its involves [economy continue to leap forward due to new strong competitors], [technical continue to leap forward due to new weak competitors], [economy continue to leap forward due to current strong competitors], [technical continue to leap forward due to current weak competitors], [economy continue to leap forward due to intensive sales and services], [technical continue to leap forward due to intensive sales and services], [economy continue to leap forward due to intensive innovative R & D], [technical continue to leap forward due to intensive innovative R & D] and innovative strategy model relation chart to develop this study.


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