  • 學位論文


The Study of Residential Buildings Retrofits for Aging at Home–Take Rural Residential Standard Building Drawings as examples

指導教授 : 游義琦


年過中年之後各方面生理機能也隨之走下降,這些生理上的退化往往造成日常生活的諸多不便,在年輕時不感到負擔的居家環境,在老時卻常產生諸多問題,亦也常導致日常意外的發生;尤其在台灣社會從高齡化社會邁入高齡社會甚至超高齡社會的當下,高齡者的居家問題更值得我們關注與重視。 除了必須接受看護照料的高齡者之外,對絕大多數的高齡者而言,既有的住宅多半會令他們有著熟悉的情感,有著他們所熟悉的人事物,因此許多人會選擇或期望在此度過老年生活,這也顯示出在宅老化概念符合這些人心中理想的安養模式;此時若能針對這些高齡者因老化衍生的居住需求對既有住宅進行調整或改造,適時的導入部分建築化的居家輔具,就能營造出對他們更友善更便利的生活環境,幫助其克服老化所產生的生活不便或是障礙,另一方面也能對部分居家潛在危險做預防或緊急處置,降低在家中意外發生的機率,延長在宅安養的時間,讓高齡者需被照護的時間延後,同時也能降低對高齡者照護資源的投入,減少社會成本的支出。 因此本研究藉由對居住空間做建築改造,來達成在宅老化的概念下高齡者在既有住宅中各種衍生的需求,以幫助在當前台灣社會高齡者的比重逐年增加的狀況下,面臨在宅老化課題的高齡者或其家人克服可能困臨的問題;研究首先彙整居住空間改造、在宅老化、輔具等相關文獻,從中歸納及擬定住宅改造準則,再進一步將垂直移動需求作為探討的重心,並同時選定鄉村地區住宅標準圖樣作為探討案例。從檢視標準圖案例中,依照不同居家空間屬性的差異,找出適合作為電梯出入口及升降道的次序來擬定出增設電梯選址程序。 本研究再藉由訪談或問卷方式詢問設計標準圖之原建築師對於住宅改造及增設電梯位置建議,利用建築師給予改造建議用以幫助住宅改造準則更為完善,而藉由建築師對增設電梯地點的建議與本研究增設電梯選址程序相互比對,進一步驗證確立選址程序。 期望藉由既有住宅改造準則與增設電梯選址程序能給予,針對家中有高齡者因而進行住宅改造的住戶或是本來就打算進行住宅修繕之住戶藉此檢視自家有無在宅老化的需求從而進行改造的狀況作為參考依據,幫助其家中高齡者減輕居家生活的負擔或障礙,同時避免部分可能發生的危險延長能自理生活的期間。 關鍵字:在宅老化、建築改造、住宅標準圖樣


After middle age various physiological functions go down along with its falls, these physiological degeneration often create the daily life many inconveniences. when young we did not feel difficult in our house environment, but often have many questions in agedness, and causes the daily accident to occur. Especially entering into the elderly society even ultra elderly society in the Taiwan society from the advanced age society immediately, the advanced age home question is worth us paying attention with takes. Besides advanced age who must accept the nursing care, speaking of the majority advanced ages, some housing can make them have the familiar emotion. There are many humans and things which they are familiar with, therefore many people can choose or expect to pass the old age life in this.This demonstrated that these humans in spirit to be partial to dwelling aging concept to fit in with life pattern; If this time aim at the housing demand for advanced ages to adjust or transform, at the right moment inducts partial building home auxiliary. This would be build to them friendlier more convenient living conditions,helping them to get over ageing inconvenience and barriers. On the other hand it can also make the prevention or the emergency disposal to the partial home potential hazard, reduces probability which the accident occurs in the home.Lengthen the dwelling An Yang time, let the advanced age have the time looked after to postpone. Simultaneously it can reduce the necessary advanced age resources to invest, reduce the social cost down. Therefore this research makes use of construction and transformation to the housing space achieving every kind of needs for advanced age under dwelling aging concept.It would help advanced age or their family that is growing year by year in Taiwan;Study first compiled transformation of living space for aging at home, aids and other related documents.From the inductive and the proposed residential renovation guidelines to vertical movement of core of demand as discussed standard building drawings as case study in rural areas selected.View standard figure case according to different spatial properties, finding out appropriate locations of entrance and elevator hoistway to develop the site pattern. Asking for original architect of design Standard Drawings about transformation and the creation of residential elevator position recommended. With given transformation proposal it help buildings retrofits guidelines to be complete. Comparing to additional lift locations and additional lift siting model, further to validate siting mode. Expectantly it can give additional help by renovation of existing residential standards and addressing mode. Focus on families with elderly households and thus for residential renovation and originally intended for residential renovation of households, through it to view Whether they have residential needs of aging and as Reference. Help elderly home alleviate the burden or barriers and prevent some possible dangers to extend the period of life can take care of themselves at the same time. Keywords: aging at home, buildings retrofits, standard building drawing


1.杜功仁,2002,《臺灣住宅整建需求之特性》,建築學報,第39期,頁87 -99。
